Problems getting Diagnosis


Registered User
Jun 18, 2017
My father is showing lots of signs of Alzheimer's. He is very forgetful, keeps asking the same things and says very random things as if we were in the middle of a conversation and we should know what he is talking about. A couple of months ago he ended up in hospital due to mixing his medication up and the doctors there also expressed concern about him and persuaded him to see his gp when he was discharged.

My mum went with him to the doctors and he was given a test of which most of it at least 70% he got wrong, but the doctor said there was nothing wrong and to come back when dad didn't know who the doctor was! He even said it in a joking way, but this is no joking matter.

The doctor is the only one in the practice and we all use the same one. Dad won't move doctors so we do not know how to get another opinion. The hospital and us can see how bad he is. Even Dad knows that he has a problem as when he can't find the words he want he gets frustrated and says you don't know what it's like to have this curse. We need help and urgently. What can we Do?


Registered User
May 21, 2014
Gosh, how worrying. That GP sounds a liability. Could you try to circumvent the GP and contact the Memory Clinic directly? I know that they usually wait for a referral but if you explain the situation and your father's problems, they might agree to give him an appointment? They usually also make home visits, though if brain scans are required, they'd have to be done at the clinic.


Registered User
Nov 10, 2016

My father is showing lots of signs of Alzheimer's. He is very forgetful, keeps asking the same things and says very random things as if we were in the middle of a conversation and we should know what he is talking about. A couple of months ago he ended up in hospital due to mixing his medication up and the doctors there also expressed concern about him and persuaded him to see his gp when he was discharged.

My mum went with him to the doctors and he was given a test of which most of it at least 70% he got wrong, but the doctor said there was nothing wrong and to come back when dad didn't know who the doctor was! He even said it in a joking way, but this is no joking matter.

The doctor is the only one in the practice and we all use the same one. Dad won't move doctors so we do not know how to get another opinion. The hospital and us can see how bad he is. Even Dad knows that he has a problem as when he can't find the words he want he gets frustrated and says you don't know what it's like to have this curse. We need help and urgently. What can we Do?

I'm sorry to hear you have such an unhelpful response from your GP. You don't need him to tell you something is wrong - you know it is. He/she is key you gotta go back and insist on an urgent referral to either a psychiatric or neurological consultant for further tests. Or if you are in a position to pay for a private appointment. The road to getting a confirmed diagnosis can be long and you should do anything you can to speed it up.
All the best.

Oh Knickers

Registered User
Nov 19, 2016

Could I urge that you do not go private? We did that at sibling's insistence as it was meant to be 'better. Had already been warned by lovely GP that that was not a good idea.

The result was that the letter from the private consultant was not worth the paper it was written on. It also resulted in mother having to wait nearly a year to see the NHS consultant as the GP practice was miffed.

Going private tends to put hackles up at a time when you are really in need of the NHS.

See if you can speak to the PA or secretary to the local Geriatrician. They do tend to be very understanding.

THe alternative is to contact your local Alzheimer's Society who may know other ways round this barrier. Contact below and put in your postcode.

Alzheimer's Society


Registered User
Jun 18, 2017
Gosh, how worrying. That GP sounds a liability. Could you try to circumvent the GP and contact the Memory Clinic directly? I know that they usually wait for a referral but if you explain the situation and your father's problems, they might agree to give him an appointment? They usually also make home visits, though if brain scans are required, they'd have to be done at the clinic.

Thanks I will try contacting a memory clinic. I have also emailed the local health board to see if they can do anything.

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