Problem swallowing?


Registered User
Apr 11, 2011
My Dad (Alzheimer's) took a sudden downturn at the weekend. He had stayed in his room all day Saturday, and on Sunday his balance was so poor it took 3 carers to get him dressed. I visited on Sunday afternoon and he was very vague and confused, incoherent when he did say anything.

On Monday, the care home called for the doctor and antibiotics were prescribed on the assumption there is an infection of some kind - I know UTIs are very common and they've since been able to get a sample which has been sent off - there's no other obvious infection such as a chest infection.

However, since Tuesday they've been reporting that Dad has problems swallowing and isn't eating very much - they've started giving him supplement drinks, and he remains confused and incoherent. As for mobility - they're currently using a wheelchair.

I'm concerned about the swallowing and lack of eating - could this be down to infection or has anyone else seen a problem with swallowing?



Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
Sorry to read this, it's a sad thing when the best I can wish you is that it is an infection! Could it perhaps have been a TIA? You may need to have a word with a speech therapist. Good luck, hope Dad picks up soon, Maureen.x.


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Yes my husband started his swallowing diffiulties over 12 mths ago. A SaLT (Speech and Language Therapist) was called in to assess and from there on we have thickened his drinks and he has pureed food only. He still coughs and splutters alot and we are constantly alert about lung aspiration.

I do suggest you get SaLT in but also the non eating may be due to infection - also the increased confusion.

I hope the a/bs help. Once they know whether or not it is a UTI you may find that a second set of a/bs will be necessary to target the known infection.

Best wishes

Contrary Mary

Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
Greater London
It's difficult to say. Mum has lots of problems over eating and drinking when she has an infection, but at the same time her swallowing ability is slowly diminishing. A sudden downturn also seems to be more of a sign of infection or something amiss.

I would certainly ask about seeing a speech and language therapist for advice. Mum also stopped putting her dentures in at the time these problems started so that didn't help either. She is now on pureed food, supplemented by Fortisip dessert (that slips down easily) and she saw a SALT again last week who has now started her on thickened drinks.

I hope your Dad does pick up soon.



Registered User
Apr 11, 2011
Thanks for your replies. I am seeing Dad later today so if the swallowing is still a problem, and we have news on the infection, I'll progress it with the home & GP. I can't help thinking there is something more wrong to affect his swallowing than simply an infection (although that may be going on too) but I hope I'm worrying unnecessarily.



Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
Hi Mumofthree,

Losing the ability to swallow is linked to neurological interference/decline - so the infection could just be causing inflammation in his brain which may be interfering with the nerve processes which would make swallowing happen (and balance and confusion he is suffering).

Of course there could be another neurological cause - such as TIA or stroke, tumours, degenerative neurological diseases such as Parkinson's etc.... But given that this is a very sudden problem, it is probably logical to try treating for an infection first which may give the solution. If that isn't helping, then further investigations may be necessary.

This article explains a little about the affect on the brain from infections:

The SALT is probably your best source of advice at present to ensure he is getting adequate nutrition and hydration safely....

Best wishes :)


Registered User
Jun 10, 2009
West Sussex
Hope your dad has improved today.

At the peak of mum's recent UTI she completely forgot how to swallow, which didn't help with trying to keep her hydrated and taking antibiotics. 24 hours after being on a drip and intraveneous ABs she was back to normal. So yes, it can just be an infection and hope for your Dad that is what it is.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2011
That's interesting....had it confirmed today that Dad's infection was a UTI too. I witnessed him eating at lunchtime and although he had a normal plate of food, it did still seem hard work for him to swallow and he didn't eat much. I suppose the next few days will show whether this does improve anymore.

We saw a neurosurgeon today following from a CT scan Dad had a few weeks ago. It looks like he needs a lumbar puncture to drain excess fluid from his brain (under local anaesthetic) in the hope it will improve his balance and perhaps mobility.

It just seems like one thing after another at the moment :(

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