Private Assessment - Results Accepted by NHS


New member
My mother has been referred to the memory clinic however the assessment won't be until June 24 _ she was referred in Sept 23. Her health is deteriorating. We would like to have her seen privately for an assessment which they can do in Bath however can anyone please confirm that if the Private Assessment findings identify dementia or other concerns, the NHS will be able to support and act or would they still have to wait for NHS assessment. Not trying to jump any que, just want the best for mum. Any help or advice appreciated.


Registered User
in my exxperience the assessment means very little- Not sure what support the NSH offer after diagnosis


New member
Jessbow - that is worrying, as we were informed that the assessment would be the next step into determining a diagnosis - she has already has a brain scan and bloods. Thanks for your thoughts!


Registered User
I suppose the assessment will inform the diagnostic team ( memory clinic) and a diagnosis does allow for certain medication to be prescribed dependant on the form of dementia. It also makes applying for certain benefits easier. I would ring the memory clinic and ask them if they will accept a private assessment as this may vary from area to area.
However, the reality is that once diagnosis has taken place, the PWD will be referred back to their GP and that will be it. Sometimes there is a follow up but it is not up for families to be left to get on with it.