POA ongoing nightmare


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Sooo many hours on this and I make one step forward and several backward! And like the rest of you age disproportionately..

1] one building society has accepted the POA but withdrawn all internet banking and says u can’t have internet banking with POA. So I feel ’blind’ on the account now.

2] I tried to register POA with a share holder management company. They’d said yes but then changed their mind. Mum is in the process of putting the shares of my late Dad into her name - but as the shares are in his name still the POA isn’t applicable 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

3] the bank with the black horse 😬😬😬 well they’ve paid me off £200 but still unable to rectify their own technical fault and accept the online code ….don’t seem to get you can’t just pop in for an hour when you’re a carer!

keep going!!!


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
@sdmhred, I'd contact the Building Societies head office, and ask for a POA specialist. I have internet access to my mum's accounts so I can't see why you shouldn't either. You need to be able to manage her account properly and the Internet will help you do that.
I'm afraid a lot of companies don't seem to be very clued up. Mum was in a care home when I was sorting out her stuff, so I didn't have time constraints. However I'm severely deaf and trying to do things on the phone was often more or less impossible. BT ended up paying me for the distress they managed to cause.
Just do a bit at a time when you can.


Registered User
Apr 25, 2022
My son in law has power of attorney for his mum, and he manages her finances on the internet. Never had any issues with the bank.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thankyou for your gentle encouragement @Sarasa. I think this has got to me as I didn’t foresee it coming. I thought registering once you had the POA would be simple. And for some reason it actually does cause real distress, I felt tearful coming off the phone to the bank and this morning having sent a simple email to the company rejecting the POA has made me feel stressed. I want to be able to enjoy the time and activities mum is still able to do with me rather than spend literally hours doing all this!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
So I have had a letter from the representatives of the CEO I wrote to - enclosing another cheque!! I didn’t know it wAs that easy to make money. The irony is they apologise for all the upset but have sent me a form I have already completed and request certifying my documents which I have already sent them 🙈🙈😱😱🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Anyway so I’m going to go along with their form, which will no doubt be rejected again…and then I shall complain again!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thanks @Bod

weve been through the normal process but there is a technical fault and it won’t work. They don’t seem to have any motivation to fix it.

they’re asking us to come into a branch but have closed it down! I then offer my availability at other branches and they don’t have the necessary staff.

it seems that once you hit a problem it’s not a priority for anyone to fix it.

thankfully we’ve registered successfully elsewhere so may just end up closing this account, but mum has been with them all her adult life so whilst I have energy I’m making a point!!


Registered User
Nov 28, 2023
Sooo many hours on this and I make one step forward and several backward! And like the rest of you age disproportionately..

1] one building society has accepted the POA but withdrawn all internet banking and says u can’t have internet banking with POA. So I feel ’blind’ on the account now.

2] I tried to register POA with a share holder management company. They’d said yes but then changed their mind. Mum is in the process of putting the shares of my late Dad into her name - but as the shares are in his name still the POA isn’t applicable 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

3] the bank with the black horse 😬😬😬 well they’ve paid me off £200 but still unable to rectify their own technical fault and accept the online code ….don’t seem to get you can’t just pop in for an hour when you’re a carer!

keep going!!!
From my experience theres a problem with building societies and their regulations. My parents BS's will only pay money direct to the PoA donor or another account with the donors name on or pay bills for the person and respect DD's, I cant retrieve money that i have paid out on behalf of the donor and am out of pocket quite a bit. Hard to believe its legal, I should have same power as the donor. Banks seem to operate differently so I'm in process of opening a bank account for the donor that i can consolidate money in. Its not easy but bank says their regulations allow more power to the LPA.

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