Phone needed with NO numbers


New member
Feb 20, 2024
ND has broken his Alz products phone and the model he is used to is no longer in production.
He needs a phone with programmable buttons and NO numbers because he can remember some old numbers and will call them up to a hundred times a day. It also needs to be quite sturdy because he can get very frustrated with technology.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Assume mobile
You want a phone with FD(N) (fixed dialling(number)) ability.

All emergency numbers will still be available.
Last edited:


New member
Feb 20, 2024
Thanks nitram
We were hoping for a landline phone. He owned a mobile phone very briefly, kept confusing it with his TV remote control, and it disappeared without trace after about a fortnight.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
Dad used this but it does have numbers. Instead of pictures I wrote the names of people he could speed dial just by pressing that button. He didn’t touch the other numbers as far as I know. Sadly his care home can only accept phones running on WiFi via the landline so he hadn’t been able to use this. Because of the numbers I’m guessing it won’t be much use to you? There is a similar mobile with just 3 preprogram able buttins but it’s not as easy to use as it looks as lots of notifications pop up on screen.


New member
May 22, 2024
I'm having major issues with my mum who, if given a phone, will call 999 because she wants a glass of water etc. Before the dementia she was always trigger happy with ambulances and would call them out all the time - it made me angry. She's recently moved to a Care Home, with dementia (yet to be formally diagnosed, sigh) and I've had a landline put in by BT because I was assured that I could put outbound call barring on it which would include emergency calls. However, the Care Home have had to take the phone away after 24 hrs as she'd managed to call 999 twice already.

The phone did work well though and was an old fashioned 1970s one in bright red. Unlike mobiles and slim handsets, this was friendly and easy to hold, so she wouldn't keep cutting me off by pressing buttons midcall. I'd recommend it as a good option if your pwd isn't going to keep phoning the emergency services.

I'm going to phone BT and try to get my money back, but there just doesn't seem to be a phone with only pictures, which is what I want. If there are any buttons, especially emergency ones, she will call them.

Maybe someone needs to invent this!


New member
May 22, 2024
This one is not available in UK, but looks the kind of thing we want - ed. I've looked at it properly and it still has an emergency button grrr


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Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
You are not going to get a phone that blocks emergency numbers or be able to bar them at the exchange.
I think you will find that all phones using pictures also have an emergency button because of their target market.
You could make a cover that only exposes the pictures with 'emergency not available' written on it.
A quick search hasn't found one where the emergency button is not in the grid of pictures which would make the mask easy to fit, the best was

where if 6 numbers are enough you could obscure the 2 in the bottom row.

If you want to be able to change the stored numbers you will have to make mask removable, I'd use self taping screws.

If you do this before introducing it get care home's permission.


New member
May 22, 2024
Thank you. We've just solved the problem with a incoming calls only phone! I had no idea they existed, but it's perfect!


New member
May 22, 2024
This solved the problem for us!! An incoming phone calls only phone! She can't phone out at all and being in the Care Home she doesn't need to. If she really wants to she can ask the staff to bring her a phone, but now we can all ring regularly and the ambulances and police and fire brigade (she's called them all out many times) can rest easy in their beds.
I haven't posted enough to add a link yet, sorry, but it's from a company called Alz.products and is perfect for those with dementia.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Link if anybody is interested



Registered User
May 17, 2024
ND has broken his Alz products phone and the model he is used to is no longer in production.
He needs a phone with programmable buttons and NO numbers because he can remember some old numbers and will call them up to a hundred times a day. It also needs to be quite sturdy because he can get very frustrated with technology.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
For anyone looking for a really simple phone,
Mobiles, and the simplest non smart versions sit in a charging cradle like a landline No dial pad except 3 programmable spaces. Can be programmed with all sorts of tweeks, remotely, some via the phone itself, which is fiddly enough to put off dementia victims. 4G, so ongoing technology. My husband in hospital lost his smartphone, now has an old Doro and I'm the only programmed number! We're on O2 PAYG, pay 10.00 pcm by card or voucher for unlimited phone calls and texts, lots of data (not available on his phone but who cares)


Registered User
May 17, 2024
I'm having major issues with my mum who, if given a phone, will call 999 because she wants a glass of water etc. Before the dementia she was always trigger happy with ambulances and would call them out all the time - it made me angry. She's recently moved to a Care Home, with dementia (yet to be formally diagnosed, sigh) and I've had a landline put in by BT because I was assured that I could put outbound call barring on it which would include emergency calls. However, the Care Home have had to take the phone away after 24 hrs as she'd managed to call 999 twice already.

The phone did work well though and was an old fashioned 1970s one in bright red. Unlike mobiles and slim handsets, this was friendly and easy to hold, so she wouldn't keep cutting me off by pressing buttons midcall. I'd recommend it as a good option if your pwd isn't going to keep phoning the emergency services.

I'm going to phone BT and try to get my money back, but there just doesn't seem to be a phone with only pictures, which is what I want. If there are any buttons, especially emergency ones, she will call them.

Maybe someone needs to invent this!
Get BT to take the landline out, explain Mums dementia and ask for a manager to refund the rest of the contract as goodwill. Contact chief exec as well. Then get a Doro mobile phone. Looks like a landline cordless phone. They do simple ones that sit in a cradle, with up to 3 programmable outgoing numbers marked only A B and C that you can add a label to. Yourself, and two others. There is a preprogrammable emergency button on the back and some do fall detection. They do lots of other things Land and incoming can be allowed or restricted in various ways
About 170.00 might be worth it. No line rental. Get a 10.00 pcm payg from 02 for example for unlimited calls
See doro. com

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