permenent effect of UTIs on dementia


Registered User
Does anyone know about this?

Does a UTI leave a permanent deterioration on a person's dementia condition owing to toxins released in the brain during a UTI ?

Do you know of any research on this ?


Registered User
Hi Maya

I don't know of any research, but I have personal experience of this.

My husband John had a severe UTI almost two years ago. As a result he lost all balance, and hence mobility. He became doubly incontinent, where he was borderline urine-incontinent, faeces-continent prior to the infection. And his speech, which was very poor beforehand, went completely.

As a result he was transferred directly from hospital to an EMI unit, where he still is.

It's only the mobility problem keeping him there, he's otherwise fit, and prior to the infection used to walk a mile twice a day.


Registered User

It must be bad,because ay infestion causes inflamation.They are now finding out,even teeth or mouth infections ,can cause strokes,and heart problems.My husband has a prolasped valve, and, he must take 4 anti-biotic pills before,any mouth work that includes,any blood.


Registered User
thank-you Sandy

Sandy,this is a great article telling about the dangers of is a help that we can better understand the things that happen,with these diseases.