Partners behaviour


New member
Mar 25, 2020
Hi everyone,I’ve just joined this site and have already found it helpful just reading other people’s messages. I suspect my partner has early stage dementia but he refuses to go to the dr. I am concerned about my own health in the current situation as he refuses to self isolate or take any precautions such as hand washing.He visited 4 supermarkets yesterday just to buy a particular brand of crackers! He does not watch any news and seems oblivious to what is happening.Things have been deteriorating for some time and I realise that I shall have to go to see his gp myself, but think I shall now have to wait for the corona crisis to be over.Sorry for the long post but I have been under a lot of pressure for a long time and I guess it helps to share.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @jeaniebeanie. Welcome to Dementia Talking Point. I hope you will find it helpful and supportive.

It does sound as if your partner has a problem and whether or not it is dementia can only be diagnosed by a doctor.

I accept most of the medic`s time is taken by this current pandemic but you could try to get an appointment to discuss your concerns. I expect getting an appointment will depend on how over subscribed your surgery is. If your partner is putting himself and others at risk by refusing to follow government guidelines it might help you get an appointment.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Why not write a letter to his GP outlining all your concerns? The GP will have this letter in your husbands file, so that once you manage to book an appointment for your husband the GP will be able to see it. Also, if there is some other reason why he needs a more urgent appointment the letter will be there then.