Pads and toilets


New member
May 19, 2024
Hi all found myself crying hard today when I heard drops of water in the kitchen went to see what it was and saw water coming through the kitchen light. I ran upstairs to find the bathroom flooded with bits of poo floating around the floor. Mum had put incontinence pads in the toilet. She keeps trying to flush them and thank god they are too big but the mess is relentless. Do you think incontinence knickers would be better. I am at breaking point she’s also been awake 24 hours this has happened many times before she eventually goes off but I am shattered.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hi @Pegsmags9 . I think if this has happened more than once I would be accompany your mum to the toilet. My oh wears pull ups and ,frankly wouldn't have a clue how to dispose of them safely. he isn't aware they need changing!

Would mum try and do the same me with incontinence knickers? It will be the discomfort of wearing a wet / soiled underwear she won't like.

Incontinence knickers probably won't be as absorbent as pull ups. The ones I've seen are more suited to leaks and dribbles rather than full bladder emptying.


Registered User
May 18, 2024
Hi Pegsmags9,

We had an issue with mum taking her pads off during the night as she is still able to get out of bed and go to the toilet. She removed it and would then get back in bed and wet herself but stay in the bed all night. So now we always accompany her to the toilet even during the night. We have a sensor that goes off when she gets out of bed and we then get up and make sure she still has her pad on and gets back into bed ok. Some nights we are up many times and others not so much .

Sounds like you maybe best to accompany her to stop the issue. All the best


Registered User
Nov 21, 2022
Hi all found myself crying hard today when I heard drops of water in the kitchen went to see what it was and saw water coming through the kitchen light. I ran upstairs to find the bathroom flooded with bits of poo floating around the floor. Mum had put incontinence pads in the toilet. She keeps trying to flush them and thank god they are too big but the mess is relentless. Do you think incontinence knickers would be better. I am at breaking point she’s also been awake 24 hours this has happened many times before she eventually goes off but I am shattered.
I'd advise pull ups and if you can, accompany mum to the loo x