Online resources

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Staff Member
Staff member
Aug 15, 2022
Our useful online resources list is a selection of threads and websites that the Dementia Support Forum community members have found helpful.

If you would like to add a thread or resource to the useful online resources list, please send an email to our Online Community Manager

Alzheimer’s Society Information & Services

Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Knowledge Centre

Alzheimer’s Society Factsheets

Find your local Alzheimer's Society service


Care Quality Commission 'Easy Read' Guides to Care

Finding a care home

Care home selection - CHS Healthcare

CQC Complaints Procedure

Our information on selecting and moving into a care home

Reviews of UK care homes

Emotional & Practical Support

Our blog post on managing guilty feelings as a carer

A-Z of support organisations

Carers UK website

Driving and dementia

Holidays and travelling

Toilet problems and continence

Making daily life more comfortable

Compassionate Communication with the Memory Impaired

Washing and bathing

When a loved one dies

Equipment & Assistive Technology

Alzheimer's Society Shop - Daily Living Aids


Legal and Financial Information

Benefits information

NHS continuing healthcare

Making a Lasting Power of Attorney

Understanding Dementia

The brain and dementia

Books on dementia

Frontotemporal dementia information

Dementia awareness e-learning course from SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence)

Pain in advanced dementia

Sundowning: what is it?

Urinary Tract Infections

Vascular dementia: what is it and what causes it?

Thread reviewed, refreshed & reposted April 2023
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