One year on... and ready for the next.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
Bit of a ramble....
A year ago, 19th December at 3.15am my wonderful husband, James, died. Years ago his mother gave birth to twin boys on 19th December. Then this morning I woke in the early hours at exactly 3.15! Coincidences? I like to think that he was letting me know all is well and urging me to get on with things and look after myself.

Yesterday I saw a GP because I had a few problems. She requested blood tests and told me that if my neck pain, headache and other aches became worse that I should go to A and E, especially if I had a tingling sensation. Well, Dr Google was accessed and I could have had so many nasty things that my heart plummeted. This morning I thought my skin was itchy and my scalp tingling with a headache thrown in. I decided to go to A and E. The staff were amazing and so organised. Tests were done and examination done. All bloods were good and the Dr said she thought I was suffering with anxiety and stress which is showing in the neck and shoulders! I was embarrassed at wasting time but she said that I had not done that. She referred me for physio. I think James was pointing me towards this, to sort my health out.

It’s been a difficult year , I didn’t think I was stressed but i see now I was. I think overall I am beginning to get things sorted. I am exercising, eating better - lost a stone two more to go, meeting up with friends, rejoining groups etc.

I want to be the healthiest and best version of me that I can whilst enjoying life. I’m hoping to move on with a smile.

last weekend my step daughters and family’s came here and we remembered James , husband, Dad, Father in law, Grandad. It was lovely. Tomorrow I will be going to the north east to spend time with my wonderful Mam who was 94 last week and other family members. Hopefully I will get to relax and go to the beach - not tempted to plodge or join the charity swimmers on Boxing Day! But a brisk walk and a hot chocolate would be perfect.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2018
Hi @GillP, things do have a way of sneaking up on us, usually when we least expect it. I'm glad that A & E were able to help you.

I hope you enjoy your time with your Mam and other members of your family. A brisk walk and hot chocolate sounds great - enjoy.

Best wishes and take care x


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
stress causes lots of physical symptoms. you didnt waste any one time. i hope you enjoy christmas and time with your family. hot chocolate sounds great and well done on the weight loss. maybe boxing day swim next year to work towards:)🥶


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Enjoy your Christmas @GillP, and glad you are sorting your health out.
I have a friend who has really got into wild swimming this year. Can't say it appeals to me, but the walk and a hot chocolate does.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
What a lovely update @GillP. I’m really glad you went to get help for the symptoms you were experiencing.

I did the New Year’s Day ‘Dook’ in the Forth at the Forth Bridge not long after my mum died. We raised money for Alzheimer Scotland. It was amazing but not something I’ve ever felt the need to repeat! 🤣

Have a wonderful Christmas. James will be with you in your heart. 💜🎅


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
@Jale , @Sarasa , @jennifer and @Izzy , many thanks for your support and kind words. Appreciated more than you know.

Drove up yesterday, arrived in the afternoon just in time to make lunch! Just lovely seeing Mam. I’ve tidied around and cleaned the kitchen while she has a lie in. Beautiful sunny day so I’ll go for a walk whilst she has a siesta! I need to get ingredients to decorate the Christmas cakes.

Feeling less stressed already. Needed a change of scenery and especially needed to be here!

Izzy, I’m so impressed that you swam outdoors, in the Forth on New Year’s Day!

Much love to all and enjoy your festive season whatever you are doing ,

Gillian x


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @GillP
You said, amongst other things "I think overall I am beginning to get things sorted. I am exercising, eating better - lost a stone two more to go, meeting up with friends, rejoining groups etc.

I want to be the healthiest and best version of me that I can whilst enjoying life. I’m hoping to move on with a smile"

Whilst you will never forget all that you've been through, and probably don't want to (apart from the really awful an low bits), it's a new chapter... look forward. You've made progress. Your old self is there to start coming out.

Best wishes for a brighter tomorrow.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
@Chizz , many thanks for your kind and wise words. As Diana Ross sang , ‘I’m coming out...’. The real me is here!

Wishing you well x

Tired Poet

Registered User
Dec 12, 2022
Really well done for seeing the positives - not easy with what you have gone through. Blowing the cobwebs away on a north-east beach is a good cure - I will probably go to the boxing day dip at our local north east beach, but I will enjoy the bonfire and the spectacle, not the dip! I lost my lovely mum on new year’s day last year and I have had health anxieties from time to time, I gather it’s normal with grief, and they can just be a warning to take time for yourself when you have been through a lot. Look after yourself, it sounds like you are doing all the right things.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
Really well done for seeing the positives - not easy with what you have gone through. Blowing the cobwebs away on a north-east beach is a good cure - I will probably go to the boxing day dip at our local north east beach, but I will enjoy the bonfire and the spectacle, not the dip! I lost my lovely mum on new year’s day last year and I have had health anxieties from time to time, I gather it’s normal with grief, and they can just be a warning to take time for yourself when you have been through a lot. Look after yourself, it sounds like you are doing all the right things.
Many thanks for your kind words. Remember to look after yourself and also to recall good memories. Thinking of you and your Mum.