Old Jewellery Appeal

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
I noticed in a magazine that the A S were asking people to send them any old gold, silver or costume jewellery they no longer wore or wanted so I scratched around in my box and found an amazing ammount of stuff I no longer wore or even remembered having - some of it broken and irreparable. None of it worth much on it's own but collectively worth a bob or two if it's melted down I hope! The website has details of this appeal but I probably wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't seen the ad in the magazine.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2009
They sent an envelope with this month's Dementia magazine, they forgot to enclose it last month, I have a few bits and bobs for them too. If everyone does that it will certainly help to swell the coffers.


Registered User
Mar 31, 2010
Elaine, hi
I've handed in a few bags and sent off other things, it's a wonderful way of raising funds.
Our local AS folk have had staff in care homes selling costume jewelery to residents for a few pence and had the most wonderful responses, ladies who have been delighted with new things to wear and enhance their jumpers or cardies, oh such fun and joy at having something new and beautiful to enjoy.
This is such a good way of fundraising and things can go around and around, I hope everyone finds something to send in or contribute as it warms the cockles of your heart to give such pleasure and raise funds too.
With kind regards from Jo