Nursing homes not getting back to us


New member
Feb 5, 2024
I posted last week how my dad can't stay in his current "specialist dementia" home (residential) and we have been asked to find an EMI nursing home. He has been violent, aggressive, awake in the night, attacking staff and his current home cannot manage him. I am unsure why he has not been sectioned. He is already on anti-psychotic medication. I am told he may qualify for CHC or at least nursing funding if he goes to a nursing home, although I know that can be a bit of a minefield and is another subject.

I am still no further forward, it being more than 6 weeks since we were told they couldn't continue.

Of course it is left mainly to family, as he is self-funded and the social worker said they cannot recommend any nursing homes, but have suggested some that might take him. None of those have any rooms/availability/staff in that he probably needs close supervision or 1:1 care.

Why is it that some nursing homes do not get back in touch with you?

All have asked for his latest assessment reports . I am not comfortable in giving out what it is his personal medical information, but I have complied with this on the hope that they will accept him. Only for them to leave me hanging, not ring me back or email me, having me sent his reports, but a good number of nursing homes just ignore me completely. Surely they could at least tell me no. I guess if this is true to how they communicate, I wouldn't want him in those homes anyway :(


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Sadly places usually only become available in a specialist home when someone passes away, EMI nursing is a specialist area of care and not your average care home.
I can only say social services helped me (caring for my wife) a lot, probably varies by local authority and times (and budgets) may have changed since then.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2022
I'm sorry you are going through this. It is so frustrating!
It was the same when I was looking for one. Mine was residential, though.

However I did try some phone calls and kept calling if I thought that I'd found the right place.

Ironically, the place that Ma is in was not even part of my list. Long story as to how I found but I'd keep pursuing especially if you have the right one. It is a matter of timing sometimes. And several phone calls.

Best of luck. I hope you find somewhere soon. xxx


New member
Feb 5, 2024
Sadly places usually only become available in a specialist home when someone passes away, EMI nursing is a specialist area of care and not your average care home.
I can only say social services helped me (caring for my wife) a lot, probably varies by local authority and times (and budgets) may have changed since then.

Thank you for replying. Yes, I thought that was sadly likely, as they tend to be able to accommodate to the end.

I am glad that social services helped you with your wife.

I hope in the future the provision for EMI specialist nursing homes increases, given the likelihood that the number of people suffering from this disease will only increase.


New member
Feb 5, 2024
I'm sorry you are going through this. It is so frustrating!
It was the same when I was looking for one. Mine was residential, though.

However I did try some phone calls and kept calling if I thought that I'd found the right place.

Ironically, the place that Ma is in was not even part of my list. Long story as to how I found but I'd keep pursuing especially if you have the right one. It is a matter of timing sometimes. And several phone calls.

Best of luck. I hope you find somewhere soon. xxx

I am glad you found somewhere for your mother.

I know this is only temporary and a place will be found sooner or later, I am sure! Until then I just have to keep trying.