Not sure if my mum has Alzheimer's / dementia


New member
Aug 15, 2022
Hi everyone
I am new here
I have some concerns regarding my mum and don't know who to talk to
My mum is in her early 70's and over the last while , I have been noticing slight changes. Some memory issues. Nothing major and some mood changes.
She lives alone and I live about a hours drive away. I am an only child so I am her main go to person.
Over the last few years she has had some health issues
Bladder cancer, Hip replacement , Cataracts surgeries.

But over the last year or so she has suffered a lot with rosacea issues (Face getting very red/purple in colour) and feeling very flushed and hot sensation.
she has also sinus issues and eyes watering and ear seems to have fluid in it.
She also now has about 50% hearing in one ear.
She had been many times to her GP. who has prescribed many ear drops/ eye drops and nose sprays. But not much relief.
Her GP has also referred her to be seen at an E.N.T Clinic to be assessed. We are waiting on an appointment for this.
Her mood has changed a lot over the last few weeks. she is very stressed and seems to be paranoid about her health.
I see her 2/3 times per week and I speak to her , by phone, twice per day. The last 2 weeks or so, she seems to just want to speak about health-related issues and when or if her GP will call her or if she should call her GP Clinic.
I feel she has no interested in much else and she gets annoyed by little things. She gets quite annoyed about her neighbours and sometimes says she thinks they all have memory or issues with thinking and she is great compared to them.

I have to admit, its hard to know what to say anymore. I have noticed in recent weeks a little more issue's with memory issues.
She said a few times she is lonely and I have tried to reach out more and suggest things but to no avail.
She doesn't want to see extended family , even though they and we try to plans a date/time.
Also if family members call her she says to me after, that she thought the call would never end and yet the next day she might say that no one seems to want to be bothered with her.

Since the Covid pandemic, she stopped going out to any shops, so I do all her food shopping and general messages.
She only goes to her GP , for appointments and the hospital , again for appointments.
She has been a few times to the hairdresser's and chiropodist for her toes.
Also her sleep patterns is not good she wakes very early and several times at night.
She said her appetite is not great the last few weeks and before this had always a great appetite even when she was ill, in hospital before for procedures

I find she is losing interest on everyday life and even when her grandchildren (my children) chat to her to tell her about their school life or activities, she seems to not listen to them speaking.
Even one of my children has noticed this and said she has noticed her mood changes.

I have been doing a little of my own research and I have seen loneliness plays a huge factor, aswell as high blood pressure.
My Mum has had very high blood pressure over the last months and this has been monitored alot by her GP.
She also has had several tablet changes a for this and now on a very high hypertension BP tablet.
I also have seen a link done by research to show they can be a link to persons who have rosacea

Also my Mum's GP ,has also said for her to come in for a stress blood test for cortisol and has referred her to have an MRI Brain Scan which will take place, in about 3 weeks
he said he wants to rule out a few things , I am not sure has he picked up on something.
would the scan show up if there is any decline or mild cognitive issues (MCI) ?

Sorry for such a long message, thank you all in advance.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Talking Point @Starshine22 . Your mother's health does sound worrying, but I'm glad the GP seems to have picked up on things and investigations are underway.
In the meantime it might be worth putting things in place to support your mother. Do you have Lasting Power of Attorney? If not try to get that organised at it will help you help your mum with finances now, and you manage her affairs later if she can no longer do so.
I also wonder if it might be a good idea to get someone from Age UK's Help at Home organised. They don't do personal care, but they could take your mum shopping, or out for a coffee. It sounds like she may have lost confidence during Lockdown, and that might help get her feeling happier about going out to places that aren't health related.
I'm sure others will be along soon with their suggestions. This is a very friendly and supportive site, and I'm glad you found us.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2018

A scan will show up changes in the brain yes ?

With my Dad a few years ago now he went to the elderly care clinic and was discharged and referred back to the GP with a scan just as a precaution really. The scan revealed brain atrophy and MCI which explained a lot of things we had been seeing. He lives alone like your Mum and has been a widower for 12 years. Loneliness has always been a thing that we have coped with over that time. Dad has struggled on his own without a doubt.

Pre covid he went to the gym every day to socialise and he sang at karaoke, made a few friends who included him in their group activities but sadly that all stopped and the lack of routine contributed to his feelings of isolation and you could feel his loneliness each time you visited, I live about 40 mins away.

Some of his friends have now sadly passed away, he is a lot less mobile and the gym never re-opened and he never took to the change of gym at all and now it is impossible physically and mentally. He still goes out once a week for a coffee with three friends and if they have a garden party he goes to that but anywhere involving a change of route or routine he gets too anxious. We know he has a dementia illness but not what it is called and we are still waiting for another test who knows when that will be. Dad refuses suggestions of clubs and other activities but if you think your mum might be more open than my dad give it a go. There is a local church cafe which Dad looked horrified at the prospect of going there with me lol but maybe something like a befriender even a telephone one could be something to think about for your mum.

LPA is a good idea as now Dad doesn't have the stress of money and bills etc we basically, me and my sister do everything now with . He has a cleaner every two weeks. Let us know how you go on x