Not sure if i belong here


New member
Feb 5, 2020
Hi! I am not sure if I belong here. My name is Carine.

My husband has had symptoms of dementia for the last 7 years but no diagnosis as of yet. Not enough physical evidence to support a diagnosis. This started when he was 47 with an onset and has not been the same since. I was 44 then and did not know that it would have declined.

8 years latter, I am St my breaking point with him and the doctors. He gets an MRI every year but no physical change. When you look at the symptoms (10 of them) he has them all - some way more then others. I have 3 adult children that are very aware of the personality changes, not being able to complete tasks at times and/or takes him days to finish... he is getting aggressive now and is paranoid.

Anyone have this experience with the medical field and do you ha e any suggestions? I feel so alone on this journey.

Thank you for reading me.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Runforchange1

I’m so sorry to read about your situation. It must be really hard for you both.

You certainly do belong here and I’m glad you’ve found the forum. You’ll get lots of understanding and support here.