No sympathy or empathy


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
Just off the phone to mum, My aunt who also has dementia (but much worse) had fallen and broken her leg . She refuses to wear her alarm necklace so was on the floor with a broken femur all night. Tried to impress this on mum (she wont wear hers either) No reaction. No sympathy for my aunt , no empathy ... no understanding of the serriousness,. Just oh she lives in a flat doesnt she, and she must be 80ish now. General chat . Didnt seem to register the news at all


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @cymbid

Im afraid that this is a typical dementia reaction.
Unfortunately, your mum is no longer able to "join the dots", take this information and apply it to her situation. She can no longer consider how your aunt must have felt and what would happen if the same thing happened to her. It is too complex a concept for her.

Not wearing a falls alarm is really common - my OH wouldnt either, only his case it didnt matter too much as I am here and I dont leave him for long. Would your mum remember to press the button if she did fall? There comes a time when a falls alert doesnt actually help


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
Hello @cymbid

Im afraid that this is a typical dementia reaction.
Unfortunately, your mum is no longer able to "join the dots", take this information and apply it to her situation. She can no longer consider how your aunt must have felt and what would happen if the same thing happened to her. It is too complex a concept for her.

Not wearing a falls alarm is really common - my OH wouldnt either, only his case it didnt matter too much as I am here and I dont leave him for long. Would your mum remember to press the button if she did fall? There comes a time when a falls alert doesnt actually help
Weve only just got the keysafe and alarm installed following a recent fall. She switched the receiver off at first. Its now hidden down the back of a chair. But the necklace is a nono. Dont like it , dont want it , what if i accidentely press it etc. No amount of explaining will resolve it. Cant/wont understand


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Hello @cymbid

. Would your mum remember to press the button if she did fall? There comes a time when a falls alert doesnt actually help
With a fall alert there's no need to press a button, an inbuilt accelerometer detects the sudden stop. Pendant alarms with fall detection should always be worn outside of all clothing to guard against cushioning of the fall.

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