No idea what to do


Registered User
Aug 11, 2018
I have learned with my mum who has Alzheimer's to go with the flow on most things now. Her personality has changed and she can be belligerent, in denial, challenging etc. For example, she completely refuses to take any medication because all medicine is 'poison'. She knows she has memory issues but is still mainly in denial about how much her condition has worsened and associated problems. I used to argue or try to reason with her. I even got details of a local drug trial in the hope that it could delay her worsening symptoms. Then I realised she was never going to change her viewpoint and I also didn't want to always be seeming negative when I go round to see her and always talking about her condition. I now just try to do nice things with mum that we both enjoy.
It sounds very familiar LHS, I’m just going with the flow right now too. A link was posted which gave some fantastic advice about not reacting and being compassionate, I’m trying to live by this guidance right now.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2018
So sorry to hear that about your mum me too am living with her and yes it's her behaviour and I too am coping alone like your mum she was never a people person but was very independent but lonely. I cannot understand this cafe surely they are there to help people when I first rang the als association here in Ireland they said the same that if there is no diagnosis they couldn't help so I rang back the next day and complained and told them her story and they listened? Yes I would definitely speak to gp re a house call. Like you my mum tells lies about me and is very very abusive if I leave to have a break.
ThanksOnmyown, sounds familiar! I’ve been lucky with her GP who has referred her to a memory clinic which feels like a bit of a start. Glad that you got someone to listen to you, it must be very difficult for you when you live with her, I do hope you manage a break now and then.

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