

New member
Sep 1, 2023
Hi everyone. My older sister was diagnosed with Alzheimer's earlier this year and I am the only person in the family who she will accept support from (she has never married).
The thing that I struggle with most is her short term memory, as she forgets things within hours, and will ring me up to discuss something that we have already discussed earlier the same day.
At times, I feel overwhelmed by this, especially as my husband has PPMS, and I have Lupus myself.
I have a place on the Alzheimer's CRiSP course starting in a few weeks, but any other advice would be helpful. Thanks Beth


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @brackenbeth59 and welcome to Talking Point. I am so sorry to read about your sister's Alzheimer's diagnosis. It must be so difficult for you especially because of your and your husband's health issues.
I hope that you will find the CRiSP course useful, I certainly did when I attended a few years ago.
It is difficult dealing with someone whose short term memory has been affected, the repeated questions can be very tiring and I am wondering if you will find the information below helpful. It is not possible to follow it to the letter but it may help.
If you have not already done so it might be a good idea to arrange a needs assessment for your sister and a carers assessment for your self, these are arranged through your local social services and are also some of the things that will be discussed on the CRiSP course.


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