Newbie 😊


New member
Aug 23, 2023
Hi everyone, I have just found this forum after looking up further info about hallucinations with FTD. I care for my mum, along with my sister, and she has recently been incredibly upset on a couple of occasions that I've called in, and it's because she believes we are all moving away and that she has to move too and has no where to go. All the the symptoms are hard to cope with, but I have found this the most heartbreaking so far. After lots of reassurance she is OK, but I am concerned that this means she is in the later stages of the cruel disease. Thanks for letting me share.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Puddleduck1 and welcome, you've come to the right place for friendly support from people who understand. Sorry to hear about your mum, and although I don't have personal experience of FTD (my mum has Alzheimer's) there are quite a few members here who do so they will hopefully be along with some thoughts soon. It sounds like your mum is quite anxious, is she on medication at the moment? Sometimes a medication review can be worth having as there may be something that could be prescribed that can help, so a chat with her GP might be useful.

You might find this link to the Rare Dementia Support group helpful too as they have quite a lot of information/resources specific to FTD:

Keep posting, as there is a lot of shared knowledge and experience here and always someone around to listen if you need to talk, ask any questions or even just have a bit of a vent. It's hard caring for someone with dementia but just knowing that there are others in the same boat can help.


New member
Aug 23, 2023
Thank you so much for your reply, it is so appreciated. I will have a look at the forum that you suggest.
Yes, she is on 40mg of citalopram at the moment, but that has been a long term medication since my father passed away 27 years ago. She is not on any medication for the dementia at this stage, but we have a review coming up so it will definitely be something to discuss.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me too @Puddleduck1.

I wondered if you would find this link of use -