New to thread … thanks for listening 😉


New member
Jan 5, 2024
Hello everyone, visiting mum for 4 weeks who has mixed dementia, diagnosed 18+ months ago.
Brother and sister in law live close and are constantly active with mums day to day living. I was over in April, arranged services now coming 4 times per week, social worker in place, OT and meals on Wheels as realised brother and sister in law had carers stress. Unsure why they hadn’t put care in place prior but all good now !
Few other issues I have noticed but am aware I’m only visiting and so careful not to tred on toes. It can be as easy or difficult as I’d want to make it. They do a great job too and after 4,weeks I can see how hard it can be.
Feeling guilty that I leave this weekend, but my home, work, kids are elsewhere. Unfortunately, won’t be back for some time but will keep in contact with mum via hub weekly. Unsure what the future holds, I will do what I need to do when time comes.

Thanks for listening and look forward to talking and listening to others in this stressful but for the most part (now) fun times journey. 💜


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Chezza23 and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. This is a friendly and helpful community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. I am sure that being a member will be of benefit to you.

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