New to the forum


Registered User
Jun 27, 2013
Hello everyone. Found a leaflet all about the forum by chance tonight in paperwork linked to my mum who has Alzheimers (diagnosis for over a year ago.) Looks like a life line for me.

Fortunately mum is now in sheltered accommodation which has eased some concerns but spending time with her can be very stressful even for a short period as she gets worked up very easily and can be aggressive. Also trying to reason with her is difficult as there is little logical thought process.

Looking forward to sharing experiences and gaining advice.



Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Welcome to Talking Point. It's been a lifeline for me. Hope you will soon feel very at home here. :) It's a shame that you need to join us, but there is always a listening ear here - day or night! :)


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Good morning and welcome from me too. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here. x


Registered User
Jun 27, 2013
A big Thank You already

Wow what can I say. After less thank 24 hours I have received 7 replies to me post. Totally unexpected but very heart warming to hear from other people in a similar position to me. Fortunately I have a very supportive spouse who persuaded me to join this forum, but recognise that there will people here who don't have that kind of support so if I can be of help to other people here then it would help me in the challenges I face, knowing that there are people in the same boat.

Thank you.

Love to you all.


60's child

Registered User
Apr 23, 2013
Hi Morris
A warm welcome from me as well I am caring for my Mum who has alzheimers. This forum has been a revelation to me. I had never been on one before but so glad I took the plunge. Amongst all the sadness there are also funny stories and a joke section as well. I do hope you keep posting on here and get as much from it as I have.
Dee X


Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Hello Morris, good afternoon to you, and another warm welcome to you to Talking Point, glad you have found us:) and you will find this forum supportive and understanding, I would think most things have been covered here, so nothing is shocking:D my mum has Alzheimer's and sadly mum in law has vascular dementia - so different sides of this illness, also many of our members here have dementia, and they give us a wonderful insight of how life is! many smiles and laughs here as well, especially in the "tea room"
Look forward to your next post.
Best wishes and take care
Chris x


Registered User
Jul 10, 2011
Horsham, West Sussex
Hi Morris and welcome. You'll never feel alone on this forum, there is usually someone who has or is experiencing something similar to what you might be going through. If not, good advice is to be had anyway, as well as support and friendship. x

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hi Morris,

Like the others, I want to welcome you here. You say it could be a life line.... for me it is, I have no doubt. The first 6 months for me were pretty plain sailing, a nice place to log in to and relate to the world of dementia, both carers and carees. And the last 6 months, Mum has plummeted, and I have been very, very much the worse for wear. These people have soothed me, supported me, encouraged me, made me face a reality or two, and just surrounded me with love and safety. I cannot say what it has meant to me. No longer isolated.

So just start posting, and replying to others' posts...... you are part of the gang now.
Welcome welcome, BE