New to the forum


Registered User
Apr 28, 2009
Hi, I have been reading this forum for some time and feel I should introduce myself.
My Mother was diagnosed with Alzheimers/Vascular Dementia in 2005. As she was living in Ireland at the time her GP immediately put her on Aricept which I believe has been a godsend. She moved to the UK in 2006 so I could care for her. Reading this forum has been both an enlightening and humbling experience. So many brave and unselfish people dealing with this terrible disease. I have found so many of the posts helpful and for this I thank you.

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Welcome to TP

Hello Beezed,
I'm glad you've found TP so helpful. There are many people contributing with their particular viewpoints that there is a wealth of ideas here.

Keep reading and post when you want to. It's not obligatory to post, after all. But I found my heart lightened by responses I've received in the past.

How is your mother now? Does she live with you or is she in care?


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
Hi Beezed.

I have found so many of the posts helpful and for this I thank you

I know what you mean , it is a great site .

Just like to Welcome you to Talking point. I find this site a great support when I need to ask something or just read .
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Registered User
Apr 28, 2009
Thank you Joanne. No, Mum sold the house in Dublin and bought a small house in a retirement complex about 20 minutes drive from me. Don't know how long she will be able to live there, just taking it day by day. First year was okay but getting harder as she deteriorates. I did think about having her live with me but my uncle and sister advised against it citing the effect it would have on my husband and two sons. To my shame I was relieved. Anyway, we muddle along okay and as long as she is safe and reasonably happy we will continue as we are.


Registered User
Apr 23, 2009
sadness, guilt and helplessness

I am also new to this web site and wanted to share why am I here. It seems a good place to turn for understanding. so far some things I have read have given me ideas for a path forward rather than just wallowing in all of the negative I am thinking and feeling right now.

Both my parents are in their 80s and have Alzheimer's. Mom was diagnosed in 2004, dad in 2007. They both have recently been moved to a US nursing home. I live in Europe and visit as often as I can, about every six months.

The last time I saw my parents in October, they were both still at home. However, for more than one year before that, I had tried to get my sisters (who were trying unsuccessfully to care for them) to understand that something else needed to be done.

The parents were a danger to themselves and others. Among other things, they set several fires while cooking and wandered outside miles away from home in freezing cold... once we even found my father walking on a busy highway! Needless to say, every time the phone rang I thought it would be news of the worst. We tried various interim solutions, but nothing worked. Every time we found someone to help, friends, family, nurses, etc. my mother threw them out of the house.

In recent months, my father had a stroke and was taken to the hospital and then a nursing home for recovery. We think he will stay there as he is having lots of trouble with movement and can barely communicate. My mother meanwhile was at home for several weeks, worrying that he had died. She is in better shape physically but seems to forget things almost immediately. We had to keep reminding her that my father was not dead and just recovering in 'hospital.'

Eventually, my mother was placed in the same nursing home as my father. At first I was relieved, but then later, I was horrified. This is not what I wanted for them, not how I pictured their later years, but at least I thought they would safe and receiving specialized care. As I understand it, the nursing home has an Alzheimer's specialty.

The first few weeks were ok. I was told that all the family (and we have many cousins) had gone to visit and that my parents were charming and popular as they were considered 'cute' by residents and visitors alike because they were still in love at their age.

As the weeks have gone by, my mother seems to have become more and more agitated, esp at bed time. My sister says she looks for my father all the time. Sometimes my father forgets who he is and that they are married. After almost 50 years of marriage and sleeping together, I can only imagine that she misses him when she remembers. It's only natural.

Recently, I heard they had moved my mother to another floor. She wanted to get into bed with my father and I think the staff decided it was best to move her. While I understand they have to consider his well-being also, it hurts me to think this is happening to them.

My sister who was very upset, told me that my mother is suffering. Despite medication she receives (don't know what..) to help her sleep, sis says she's not sleeping, instead walking the halls and looking for my father all night.

There is more of course, but this is just the latest.

It just seems that I mostly get bad news and just when I think things cannot get worse, they do. I never dreamed any of this would happen. I don't want them to feel scared or hurt and I certainly don't want them to suffer.

My personal life meanwhile is great. I could almost say this is the happiest I have ever been, except for this. My fiance and I will be married in the next few weeks. Since I want my parents to come of course, we will go to US for half our honeymoon. But even this doesn't really make me feel better or solve anything. I feel like a good daughter would drop everything and go back and care for them, but that is unrealistic as my life is here. I know that, but the guilt is sometimes overwhelming.

I am afraid to see them after the wedding. I want to see them, but last time I visited them at home, their condition affected me so much my boyfriend practically scraped me up and brought me back home. I came back with panic attacks which took more than a month to subside.

I don't want to feel bad this time. I am trying to think positive. I would like to see them and use my time there to help them as much as I can by spending quality time with them, reading or talking to them if they want, showing them I love them and making them as comfortable as possible.

But I am scared. I feel like I will be walking into a nightmare since nothing they tell me on the phone about the situation can really prepare me for the reality. Furthermore, I am scared they will miss me when I leave. We always miss each other when I go and I don't think even this forgetful condition will stop that. I don't want them to hurt because of me too.

This has to be the most horrible disease. It causes so much pain and suffering in so many ways.

I would have loved to see my parents spend their remaining years walking on Miami Beach... instead it's this.

it's all happening too fast for me to deal with it.

Putting it in writing helps a little. Thanks.
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Registered User
Jan 25, 2009

Hi Beezed,Welcome to TP and i am glad you have found the site helpful.Hope your mum is doing well,and all your family and you.Hope you keep posting take care Marian x


Registered User
Jun 3, 2005
Welcome BeeZed and Jennifer

As others have said, the strength of TP is that it draws its members from such a wide variety of circumstances & situations.
Whilst you are unlikely to find one person in your exact position, it's quite probable you'll pick up odd tips & ideas from people who've "been there before you" & survived to tell the tale here. I'm sure you will help others in your turn.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2009
Welcome to Jennifer Europe

Hi and welcome to TP,i am so sorry you are feeling this way,it is a horrible disease,but you must try and not beat yourself up about it.None of us here every thought anyone belonging to us would end up with Alzheimers but here we are.Your parents are in the best place if they were a danger at home,at least that worry has gone for you.All the things you write about are part of this disease and hopefully the home will be able to help your mum someway.I hope all goes well for your wedding,i think you would be better to try and not to think to much before you go to see your parents just take it one day at a time,as things can change quick with this illness.There will be others along soon with better advice hope you keep posting.Take care Marian x


Registered User
Jan 29, 2009
Welcome Beezed and Jennifer. I have only been reading and occasionally contributing to this forum since January and I can't tell you how much it has helped me.

Jennifer - your post brought tears to my eyes. We all know how that guilt and anguish feels. You are right, it is a horrible illness and we all want the best for our loved ones, especially at this time in their life. Try not to beat yourself up though because, as someone once told me, you can't fix everything. Do what you can, when you can. This is not your fault. Nothing takes away our guilt, but we all know we are being hard on ourselves feeling that way.

Take care
Pat x

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