New to the forum


Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
United States
Hello everyone,
This is my first post. I have been searching for information around dementia as my my mother condition has recently gotten worse. She has been suffering with signs of dementia but until about a month and half the symptoms have gotten worse. She is able to walk on her own but there are days there is lack of appetite. Luckily the last few days have been better with food and fluid intake. She also started new liquid multivitamins she actually likes taking with no fuss 🙏😊
She is at her home with care 24/7 I don’t live with her in the same city; normally will call her daily and we would talk for a long time. The last couple of weeks the calls have become so short in part for her voice and the other just not sure why. I’m sad because it is almost as she does not want to talk to me anymore. Is that normal? I keep telling myself as long as she eating, drinking plenty of fluids and overall doing ok; not wanting to talk to me is ok but oh my stars it is so hard and so so sad I miss our conversations so so much
Have you experienced this with your love one? Feedback greatly welcomed


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Harper1207 and welcome to this Dementia Support Forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here, so I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to read of your Mum's dementia and the more recent concerns you have with her. Regrettably, some of the symptoms of dementia can rear their ugly head quite rapidly sometimes. I personally haven't had direct experience of what you describe, but I'm sure others will be along shortly with any feedback from their experience.
It must be a comfort for you that she is able to be in her own home, and with live in care support. This must be invaluable.
I hope you will find this forum useful for information, and any particular advice if you need it, do just ask, as members here really do want to help. Members here understand which makes the support invaluable.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
The last couple of weeks the calls have become so short in part for her voice and the other just not sure why.
She may be forgetting what a phone is for.
I used to phone mum regularly, but like you, the calls were getting shorter and sometimes they were frankly, a bit weird. By the end of her ability to talk on the phone it became obvious that she was talking into the phone, but not to me. I think she had lost the understanding that there was an actual person on the other end


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023
Hello everyone,
This is my first post. I have been searching for information around dementia as my my mother condition has recently gotten worse. She has been suffering with signs of dementia but until about a month and half the symptoms have gotten worse. She is able to walk on her own but there are days there is lack of appetite. Luckily the last few days have been better with food and fluid intake. She also started new liquid multivitamins she actually likes taking with no fuss 🙏😊
She is at her home with care 24/7 I don’t live with her in the same city; normally will call her daily and we would talk for a long time. The last couple of weeks the calls have become so short in part for her voice and the other just not sure why. I’m sad because it is almost as she does not want to talk to me anymore. Is that normal? I keep telling myself as long as she eating, drinking plenty of fluids and overall doing ok; not wanting to talk to me is ok but oh my stars it is so hard and so so sad I miss our conversations so so much
Have you experienced this with your love one? Feedback greatly welcomed

I think sometimes that talking must require a sheer effort people just don't have.

Perhaps your mum just feels that way and also finding words I suppose if you think about it must be hard going too. If you have a medical condition like COPD for example that impacts breathing and breath is needed for talking.

It must be a comfort if your mum is still at home with care 24/7. Could you check with her carer perhaps and see if she is okay or if they have noticed anything conversation wise?

Sending a hug 💕


Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
United States
Not that it matters but are you posting from the USA?

I think sometimes that talking must require a sheer effort people just don't have.

Perhaps your mum just feels that way and also finding words I suppose if you think about it must be hard going too. If you have a medical condition like COPD for example that impacts breathing and breath is needed for talking.

It must be a comfort if your mum is still at home with care 24/7. Could you check with her carer perhaps and see if she is okay or if they have noticed anything conversation wise?

Sending a hug 💕
thank you 😊


Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
United States
She may be forgetting what a phone is for.
I used to phone mum regularly, but like you, the calls were getting shorter and sometimes they were frankly, a bit weird. By the end of her ability to talk on the phone it became obvious that she was talking into the phone, but not to me. I think she had lost the understanding that there was an actual person on the other end
Thanks for replying. Makes sense, just a voice vs seeing the person could be strange to her. Maybe I can try FaceTime with one of the caregiver’s phone and see how that goes Mum never had a cell phone refused to get one ☺️ she did not see the point to add another bill


Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
United States
Hello @Harper1207 and welcome to this Dementia Support Forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here, so I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to read of your Mum's dementia and the more recent concerns you have with her. Regrettably, some of the symptoms of dementia can rear their ugly head quite rapidly sometimes. I personally haven't had direct experience of what you describe, but I'm sure others will be along shortly with any feedback from their experience.
It must be a comfort for you that she is able to be in her own home, and with live in care support. This must be invaluable.
I hope you will find this forum useful for information, and any particular advice if you need it, do just ask, as members here really do want to help. Members here understand which makes the support invaluable.
Thank you so much!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Not that it matters so much but advice even within the 4 countries of the UK is so different let alone the USA, where my mom's from.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I think it's important to put he country you're posting from or the country the person you're caring for lives in at least. We're the UK, 4 countries many different laws/rules let alone the rest of the world.
Always happy to help, but no point telling someone in LA what they're entitlement is in Lancashire.