New Member needs advice.


New member
Mar 17, 2019
I need a bit of advice.Mumis 85 and was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer having been very ill.Since then although she has shown physical improvement her memory has deteriorated and she is acting strangely.She keeps packing all her clothes to go home (she is at home) She believes she is waiting for her taxi and when I try to reassure her she isn’t going anywhere she gets quite verbal.
I’ve tried humouring her by telling her we’ll do it another day. I’ve tried changing the subject and that doesn’t work either. She keeps losing things such as dentures ,the tv remote etc which we find in odd places.
Despite asking the GP for a referral for assessment we are getting no help.Even the McMillan nurse is unable to help in this instance.The only advice we are getting is from Oncology about pain management and eating habits.
As there are only myself and my daughter to help with care we are now finding it exhausting physically and mentally.She cannot be left alone at all as she has had a number of falls.Im worried if she falls when I am on my own with her as I cannot,due to my own disabilities,physically lift her.
We are also struggling when out as she can be a bit outspoken if kept waiting in a queue.
I don’t mean to sound unpleasant but I am beginning to feel that I am fighting an uphill battle.The NHS don’t seem interested and although she has home visits from the GP who is very good we are struggling to see what’s out there. I hope someone here can give me a suggestion I would be very grateful.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Welcome to TP.

You don't mention social services but you are entitled to ask for a care needs assessment for your Mum and a carers assessment for yourself - contact the adult social services team in your area. They can provide help such as carers to visit at home, which would give you a bit of a break. If your Mum has savings/assets of more than £24,000 she will be deemed to be 'self-funding' which means that the local authority will not fund extra care but if your Mum is able to pay for carers herself then this is maybe something you could consider.

It sounds as if your Mum hasn't had a diagnosis of dementia. You could suggest to the GP that they make a referral to the older adult’s mental health team.

You may find this guide helpful as it covers all sorts of useful things relating to caring for someone with dementia, such as how to get help and also practical/financial issues: