New challenge


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Good morning,

Actually not such a good morning.
O.H and I have had the house upside down this morning looking for the money he keeps in his back pocket.
I have come to the conclusion that he dropped it in the toilet of the local cafe yesterday. Almost £200!!!
I have to wait until the manager arrives later this morning, then check , in the vain hope someone will have handed it in.
O.H has always wanted to have a lot of money in his back pocket, but I have said ‘ no longer a good idea ‘. Have yet to receive an agreement from him.
Learning curve for each of us!


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Panic over@Izzy.
My husband found his ‘ lost’ money…….in one of his shoes!
A good start to the day.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Skylark/2

With my husband, it was his wallet.

He needed cash to help with his feelings of security and we were forever looking for his wallet which was always in a safe place. The only problem was the number of safe places he managed to find.

He used to count the money constantly to make sure it was still there. He never spent it, just counted and put in safe places. The then paper notes became so dog eared, I used to replace them with newer notes when he slept.

Glad you found yours.