Needing advice on a quick assessment


New member
Dec 31, 2023
My mum is 77yrs and lives with myself and my family. We’ve noticed confusion, memory loss and depression for some time now since my Dad died in 2021 so took her to the GP to discuss the situation. She had Blood tests and an ECG which all came back fine but are now waiting on a date for a memory assessment at the doctor’s suggestion. In the interim, our home situation has got worse and my husband has asked my mum to leave. I am now wanting to expedite the assessment so at least I can get some answers re the dementia so o can plan next steps. How long does a referral from the GP to OT take please and if I were to go private does anyone know how much the assessments cost? I’m at my wits end with worry about her along with the now awful situation of her not having anywhere to live which is out of my control!


Registered User
Oct 27, 2016
Welcome to the forum and others will be along soon with better advice. There is a wealth of shared experience here

Firstly a few you have lasting power of attorney for your mum? Are you saying that your mum has given up a residence previously and therefore would be dependent on social housing or renting?
Does she have more than £23500 in assets and would be self funding? I can't advise on social services as I have no experience of them. Are you asking about referral to occupational health or memory clinic or both?


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Sarita1976 and welcome to the friendly and supportive forum from me also.
I am sorry to read about your Mum and the concerns you have now. The answer to how long does it take for a referral from GP for a memory assessment is sadly, how long is a piece of string. I think it depends entirely on the area in which you live and the pressures that health authority has. Others will doubtless be along with their experience of such matters.
As @Rosettastone57 has said, LPA is essential if you haven't already started that process.
I hope you will find this forum useful for information, and any particular advice if you need it, do just ask, as members here really do want to help. Understanding and empathy you will always find here.
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Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Welcome to the forum and others will be along soon with better advice. There is a wealth of shared experience here

Firstly a few you have lasting power of attorney for your mum? Are you saying that your mum has given up a residence previously and therefore would be dependent on social housing or renting?
Does she have more than £23500 in assets and would be self funding? I can't advise on social services as I have no experience of them. Are you asking about referral to occupational health or memory clinic or both?
Can I point out that savings or assets should not be discussed at this point until an assessment is done. Because as soon as the Social Services know your assets they will drop you like a lead balloon.


Registered User
Oct 27, 2016
Can I point out that savings or assets should not be discussed at this point until an assessment is done. Because as soon as the Social Services know your assets they will drop you like a lead balloon.
I'm using my own experience here . You're right, social services aren't interested in self funders. My mother in law was totally self-funding and we never involved social services whatsoever at anytime for her care needs including her going into full time care. This doesn't preclude a needs assessment, however, but there are many forum members who have by passed social services and just organised things themselves.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
I'm using my own experience here . You're right, social services aren't interested in self funders. My mother in law was totally self-funding and we never involved social services whatsoever at anytime for her care needs including her going into full time care. This doesn't preclude a needs assessment, however, but there are many forum members who have by passed social services and just organised things themselves.
Sorry, I wasn't criticising your experience. That was my experience with social services.


Registered User
Oct 27, 2016
Sorry, I wasn't criticising your experience. That was my experience with social services.
No offence taken. I think the difficulty with the original post is that it's unclear whether the lady is getting any help already , clearly there are relationship difficulties. Hopefully she will post again.

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Can I point out that savings or assets should not be discussed at this point until an assessment is done. Because as soon as the Social Services know your assets they will drop you like a lead balloon.
I didn't find this at all. The social worker who originally assessed mum for her needs said as we were self funding we could do our own thing or let social services manage her care needs with an annual fee of around £200. This was easily offset by the lower hourly rate for care