Nearing the end


Registered User
Sep 27, 2016
I really don't know how we got to where we are now so quickly. When I saw Mum a couple of months ago, yes Mums dementia was worse but she was ok to live at home. Then she had a fall at home. The hospital discharged her with a fractured hip and sent her home in agony.
48 hours later she was on the operating table having an operation. This made the dementia worse and she stopped eating. The doctor intimated that Mum only has 2 weeks left now. She is on morphine patches for the pain and babbling, when she opens her eyes.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))) @Stockport

Im afraid that a fractured hip can often do this. The pain, the shock, the aneasthetic - all of these things can dramatically progress dementia. It was a fractured hip that led to mums death too - she also stopped eating and drinking after the hip surgery.

This is a tough time - your mum should be kept pain free and comfortable. If she is showing signs of pain do speak to someone as her medication may need increasing. The doctors might decide that a syringe driver would be better than patches is there is still pain with them.

Look after yourself during this time - make sure you sleep and eat


Registered User
Feb 27, 2016
East Midlands
@stockport1965 this sounds awful, your poor mum.
It might be best to have another discussion with the dr because if they feel that she is at end of life then a syringe driver might be better as the pain & everything else can be managed better that way. Big hugs. It is awful when your loved one goes into decline so rapidly x