Nan feeling unwell with no explanation


New member
May 21, 2024
As my Nans dementia progresses she is having days where she just says she 'doesn't feel right'
She can't explain what she is feeling, no headache, doesn't feel sick, no cold, no temperature, no pain but just says 'I just don't feel right'. She looks physically well.
This has happened a few times but today she stayed in bed all day which is very unlike her.
Has anyone else been through similar? I don't know how to help her and wondered if anyone has any advice.
Thank you


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @alpaca_elle

My MIL frequently said that she "felt poorly", or that she was in pain. She had quite a lot of investigations, but nothing was ever found. It was decided that she was aware of the confusion and her dementia symptoms, but was unable to understand them, so described them as a physical problem. It may well be the same with your Nan. I expect she is anxious and feels safe in bed.

Id contact her GP, some anti anxiety/antidepressants might help


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
I had the same experience with my mother as @canary
My mother was back and forth to the GP and referred to the hospital for checks but nothing was ever found, the 'something wrong' was her dementia.
She also 'misunderstood' symptoms, so the slightest twinge became a major issue.