My Oli


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Today I lost it. I suffer from IBS and we only have 1 toilet. My Oli loves his shower so I get him ready and put him in and leave him to it. This morning he had been in the shower for about 20 minutes and I needed to loo. I put my head in the door and sked him if he was ready to get out. No. I waited another 5 minutes and tried again. Said I really needed the toilet and would he please get out the shower. No. Well, I lost it. I told him a number of home truths and used some choice language! Of course I felt dreadful afterwards, I know I’m not supposed to get grumpy.
My poor Oli got himself out of the bathroom and walked stark naked and dripping wet into the kitchen and said sorry. Poor man. At that stage all I could think of was here was my dripping naked husband, we live in a ground floor flat, the lounge door was wide open and the neighbour is having new carpets laid so there are tradesmen walking straight past our lounge door 😂
I steered him back to the bedroom, used the loo and then went and apologised for getting cross. And his reply was that he deserved it! We both had a good laughand peace is restored. My precious man. I do love him so and was so surprised when he apologised and said he deserved my anger.
I know I’m very fortunate to have a dementia sufferer who at present does not have anger issues. I know a lot of you have it much harder that I do. I feel bad for getting so angry but I think it may just have brought home to him that I don’t ask for anything unreasonable and he will cooperate a bit more in future.
We are friends again 😁


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Oh that must have been hard for you. But nice that you have peace again. I can't even get mine in the shower. Let alone understand life isn't all about him.
It's lovely to know you he still understands. Hope it continues as long as possible.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
dont worry about it. i have IBS as well and had a flare up last week. when you need to go its nearly immediate. im lucky in that i shower him so he gets out when ive finished doing it. ive had to take anti-diarrhoea tablets to get some relief. glad you are friends again.