My Oli


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Oh my, do I or do I not worry about this next stage? Since his vascular dementia began My Oli has always slept during the day but this week he seems to be asleep more than he is awake. The last few days and again today he has had his breakfast and fallen back to sleep until almost lunchtime. He’ll ear his lunch, sit down in his chair and within 15 minutes is back to sleep again. Yesteryear woke at 4pm and I expect today will be the same as 4pm seems to be his waking up time. He’ll then stay awake until about 8pm then it’s bed time again. This means he’s been awake between 6 and 7 hours in total per day. I know I’m much better off that others who LOs are far more difficult to care for but should I try and keep him awake or just leave him to sleep? I tend to think his poor body must need the rest. Today we didn’t even manage his morning shower and I had to cancel his carer who usually takes him out for an hour or so because he really wasn’t up to it. He’s had no change to his medication so it can’t be that. I think he is awake at night but not sure how long for as he’s very quiet. He tends to wake up and either sit on the side of the bed or on the toilet possibly for half an hour.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Oh my, do I or do I not worry about this next stage? Since his vascular dementia began My Oli has always slept during the day but this week he seems to be asleep more than he is awake. The last few days and again today he has had his breakfast and fallen back to sleep until almost lunchtime. He’ll ear his lunch, sit down in his chair and within 15 minutes is back to sleep again. Yesteryear woke at 4pm and I expect today will be the same as 4pm seems to be his waking up time. He’ll then stay awake until about 8pm then it’s bed time again. This means he’s been awake between 6 and 7 hours in total per day. I know I’m much better off that others who LOs are far more difficult to care for but should I try and keep him awake or just leave him to sleep? I tend to think his poor body must need the rest. Today we didn’t even manage his morning shower and I had to cancel his carer who usually takes him out for an hour or so because he really wasn’t up to it. He’s had no change to his medication so it can’t be that. I think he is awake at night but not sure how long for as he’s very quiet. He tends to wake up and either sit on the side of the bed or on the toilet possibly for half an hour.
hes not got an infection? mine has also got vascular dementia and tends to sleep much as you said. if he sits too long hes asleep. last week he was worse as his COPD flared up. he says hes bored and therefore sleep. if you keep him awake he will be over tired and will get irritable. i tend to enjoy the peace unless hes snoring or mumbling rubbish


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
hes not got an infection? mine has also got vascular dementia and tends to sleep much as you said. if he sits too long hes asleep. last week he was worse as his COPD flared up. he says hes bored and therefore sleep. if you keep him awake he will be over tired and will get irritable. i tend to enjoy the peace unless hes snoring or mumbling rubbish
Our two really do see to be following very similar paths except I’m very fortunate that My Oli does not have anger issues. As predicted, 4pm and he’s awake! I had heard that there was going to be a Men’s Shed starting in our area and I thought that, like your husband, my Oli would benefit from it. Sadly nothing seems to have happened about that but we shall continue to hope. I will try and get a urine sample from him to check for a UTI.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well, after 2 days Of sleeping most of the day away, My Oli woke up this morning feeling good and has hardly slept all day, something he has not done for more than a year. We are now wondering if he had a TIA during the night which went unnoticed. Every now and then he seems to have one and is very tired for a few days afterwards. I’m so glad he’s back with me. Even if we didn’t talk much it was still nice to have him beside me watching the snow.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Bugs it's good to hear that your Oli is now feeling better and is less sleepy. Enjoy watching the snow together, for as long as it lasts. There was quite a good covering here this morning but it has now all disappeared, just rain and wind now.