My Oli


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
My daughters were hoping that we could all go away together as a family to a holiday cottage fora week later in the year. The last time my Oli and I went away was 2 years ago and we had to cut it short as he reached the point of complete exhaustion.
in order to give things a trial run on Friday we went with our one daughter and son in law for a two night stay in a lovely well appointed holiday flat. Night one was ok. Nothing dramatic. Day two we got on a bus and a hop on hop off bus to see the city. It soon became obvious that my Oli would not cope with any more than sitting on the bus and halfway round not even that. We got off the hop on hop off, got a 2nd bus back to our holiday apartment and we spent the rest of the afternoon there while my daughter, son in law and granddaughter carried on doing the tourist sights.

Come evening the wheels fell off. He hardly slept at all, was continually to and from the bathroom, got lost although I had put lights to show him to and from the bathroom. My Oli, my daughter and I had hardly any sleep at all. We are all absolutely exhausted today. I’m just grateful that I was not the one having to drive home.

Now we are ho e I hope things will settle and we will have a decent nights sleep.
The trial weekend has shown us, without a doubt, that there is no point in attempting a holiday away from home.
I lay in bed last night, tears streaming down my face as I realised that this is going to be my life from now on.
At this stage I can’t even contemplate putting him into respite and going somewhere on my own.
it is what it is.

Long journey ahead

Registered User
Mar 28, 2020
Preston lancashire
My daughters were hoping that we could all go away together as a family to a holiday cottage fora week later in the year. The last time my Oli and I went away was 2 years ago and we had to cut it short as he reached the point of complete exhaustion.
in order to give things a trial run on Friday we went with our one daughter and son in law for a two night stay in a lovely well appointed holiday flat. Night one was ok. Nothing dramatic. Day two we got on a bus and a hop on hop off bus to see the city. It soon became obvious that my Oli would not cope with any more than sitting on the bus and halfway round not even that. We got off the hop on hop off, got a 2nd bus back to our holiday apartment and we spent the rest of the afternoon there while my daughter, son in law and granddaughter carried on doing the tourist sights.

Come evening the wheels fell off. He hardly slept at all, was continually to and from the bathroom, got lost although I had put lights to show him to and from the bathroom. My Oli, my daughter and I had hardly any sleep at all. We are all absolutely exhausted today. I’m just grateful that I was not the one having to drive home.

Now we are ho e I hope things will settle and we will have a decent nights sleep.
The trial weekend has shown us, without a doubt, that there is no point in attempting a holiday away from home.
I lay in bed last night, tears streaming down my face as I realised that this is going to be my life from now on.
At this stage I can’t even contemplate putting him into respite and going somewhere on my own.
it is what it is.


Registered User
May 30, 2017
Italy, Milan and Acqui Terme
Hi @Bugs ,
I would suggest you take things and life one day at a rime.
Now you can't even contemplate putting your OH into respite and going on holiday on your own.
In the future, you might change your mind, as well as you might not.
I have always found that " one day at a time" is the best strategy to cope with dementia

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I agree it`ll be one day at a time from now @Bugs. It's tough but a stage in dementia comes when anything out of routine is too much to process and the confusion, as you found, increases 100-fold.

Sad for you. Sad for people with dementia. Sad for all of us.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Things are a lot calmer today, after 12 hours sleep and a very quiet day. I will think very hard before subjecting hi to too much stimulation again.