My OH repeatedly cuts paper from the waste bin into tiny pieces, it seem to relax him. Is this usual


New member
My OH repeatedly cuts the contents of the waste paper bin and food bin into tiny pieces (for recycling purposes he says) Is this common? He was diagnosed about 6 years ago.


Registered User
Its about as *normal* as any other of the strange things our loved ones do.
My late mother shredded tissues, picked bobbles off clothes and picked at buttons until the came off. ( And scabs until she bled!)

I guess if you have solid bin its pretty harmless and keeps him occupied.

( get pretty colour tissue paper,cottage industry confetti!)


Registered User
Nothing is unusual with dementia. There is no harm in it, so I wouldn't think about how common it is and let him get on with it, always of course checking that he can't hurt himself.


Registered User
My dad tears any cards he gets into a thousand pieces, he does the same with anything that comes in the post. Thankfully he always waits a day or two so I do get the chance to check his post.


Registered User
Mum shreds tissues, picks at her jumpers and always seems to be looking and pulling at her fingers


Registered User
Repetitive actions are very common in dementia. I think you are right that it is often a self-soothing action.
It drives you nuts, but if its not doing any harm then best to just accept it.