My name is Claire

Daughter Claire

New member
Jan 23, 2024
Hi, my name is Claire and I’m 57yrs old. I live in a house with my Mum Monica aged 78yrs old and my 28yr old son Charlie.

My Mum and I moved here together in 2000 when my sons were small children. In 2017 my Mum moved out to care for her long term partner and then husband Tom who had Parkinson’s. We lost Tom to Parkinsons in June 2022. Mum and I dealt with Tom’s estate and sold his house and then she moved back in here in May 2023. Since then there’s been a slow decline on a number of levels. She hasn’t taken up any of her hobbies from before caring for Tom. She hasn’t engaged with friends, she hasn’t returned to swimming or Pilates and she hasn’t walked the dog. She potters around the house and is useful - hoovers, does the washing up etc then spends all afternoon watching old Tv programmes one after another. But her aggressive behaviour is the real issue. There have been lots of minor arguments where she can become abusive quickly usually started by a minor disagreement like the colour of tiles or what the Jet petrol station used to be before it was Jet. Quite often I don’t see these spats coming. But there have been 7 occasions where
She has physically attacked me. She threw a box of files down on my head, threatened me with a hot cup of tea and a glass on another occasion, hit me full in the face with her fist, grabbed my glasses off my face and crushed them in her hands. Last week she threatened to stab my son. I wasn’t here and the argument was because she was freaking out over the time she was feeding the cats. She’s become totally OCD and it’s very stressful. He told her to calm down and she threatened to stab him. Then she apologised as though that’s ok and it’s all forgotten. I’ve begged her to see a GP but she won’t. Says I’m a liar. Calls me horrible names. Says she’ll sell the house - we are joint owners so she can’t just sell the house, calls me
a thief And says I stole from Tom - Tome left me money in his will - I’ve never taken money from her or stolen from anyone. Yesterday she attacked my son who was standing between her and me and he called the Police. I had blue lights outside my house. Today she being generally obnoxious. Throwing things, crashing around, banging doors. My Grandmother died with Alzheimer’s and today for the 1st time I have recognised symptoms I remember - the childish obnoxious behaviour. Iv messaged the GP but all they do is offer me a phone call consultation next week. I’ve done a phone call consultation before and all they did was send me links for mental health support for me. I need to get her assessed and for that I need her to agree to see a GP and I just don’t know where to start xxx


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Call social services now as this has become a safeguarding issue due to the physical violence. The police should also be in contact with them as a result of the call out yesterday. Your son did the right thing. Your mum quite possible needs a mental health assessment .
In the meantime make sure you always have your phone to hand and a key to get back into the house if you need to run out in an emergency. I know this sounds so scary but you need to keep yourself and Charlie safe.
This is dementia and quite possible poor mental health due to grief not your mum. Please seek help asap.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Sorry Claire, but zero tolerance to violence, phone the social services out of hours number and ask for help, now please before someone gets hurt, or should I say hurt even more. K


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Daughter Claire and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. Your Mum needs professional assessment and help for what may be depression and/or dementia. You and your son need to be safe in your home. As @SAP and @Kevinl have said, you need to escalate this by contacting the appropriate authorities as a matter of urgency. Please don't wait for a full blown crisis.

Daughter Claire

New member
Jan 23, 2024
Hi x thank you for your responses. Since yesterday I’ve had a call from the Mental Health Team in our local Health Authority and I’ve managed to get an appoint tomorrow for her with the GP for bloods and urine to rule out anything else and i’m praying they can encourage her to talk to them as I’m sure she must be terrified. In the meantime she’s being completely horrible and obnoxious to me, calling me names like ‘fat ugly pig’ and wishing me dead but she’s not being physically violent. I’ve got to learn not to react as well. I feel at least like I’m on someone’s radar! Thank you xx