My mum has just been diagnosed with MCI


Registered User
Dec 20, 2009
Hello, I wonder if you can help. My mum has just been diagnosed with MCI. It hit me like a train. She is only 65. Am not quite sure what to do or say. I love her so so much and the thought of her suffering and changing just fills me with terror. The web is a wonderful resource but it can be quite scary in terms of what it says. She is due to have CAT scan next week. Does anyone have any advice or info or experience they can share?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello finton101
All I can say is give yourself time. I`m afraid there is no way out. However scary and shocking a diagnosis has to be accepted if you are going to be able to give your mother the support she will need.
Keep posting here and tell us how you both are. There will always be someone here for you.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2009
When I told my daughter my diagnosis her grief nesarly tore me apart. But we have all of us faced it together. You ,love her so much.' that's better than any treatment believe me.
Come here to share and learn. In one way or another we are all on the same journey,somehow that helps though the contact is only an on line one.

Love Shelagh


Registered User
Dec 20, 2009
thank you for your kind words. it's so very challenging. it's been a marvelous day though. I told my mum i loved her more than anything else in the world and i will be there for her come what may. daddy aswel will need alot of support as the situation unfolds. although it was fraught we were able to share and think made alot of progress. as i said to them both "the world changed yesterday, and all of the old rules simply don't apply". poor mummy. it's so devastating. i just hope that we can all move through it and find peace. thank you so much again for taking the time to reply.