My mom just found out she has dementia.


New member
My mother had a uti turned sepsis, and she is over that. I found out she has Dementia. I am new to dealing with this and it is stressful. I need advice.


Volunteer Moderator
Welcome to the forum @June99.

You sound really distressed.

I’m so sorry to read about your mum’s situation It really is heartbreaking.

I’m glad you have found this forum and I know you will get lots of support and understanding here.


Registered User
Hello @June99

I think it is always overwhelming when you first get a diagnosis. The best thing is to take it day by day and not looktoo far into the future, because there is no way of knowing exactly how and when things will develop.

At this stage it is best to find out about dementia, and the Alzheimers Society has quite a lot of information. You might find this helpful.

The other thing is to sortout the legal stuff like getting POA encouraging her to sort out her will. Also, find out what benefits she would be entitled to. If you are in UK, then AgeUK or Citizens Advice can help you with this.


Volunteer Moderator
Welcome to the forum @June99.

It is such a stressful time when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia. @canary has offered a useful link and advice to get started.

When you are ready, let us know if there are any specific things you need to understand or discuss - or just offload about - and members will help and support as best they can.

We are all here for you.


New member
My mother is angry, and paranoid sometimes and lashes out at me. I haven’t dealt with this before. She doesn’t want to be alone, and her emotions are all over the place.


New member
My mother also had a uti that wasn’t treated and turned sepsis and l was finally able to have her treated. I think that her Dementia was brought on by her husband infection? I disengage when she gets upset and angry she cries sometimes all kinds of emotions. She doesn’t understand if l get emotionally tired. She also doesn’t sleep well. She has memory lapses. She is paranoid about money. I am glad for this forum. I do have POA, and all the legal things are done.


Registered User
My mother is angry, and paranoid sometimes and lashes out at me. I haven’t dealt with this before. She doesn’t want to be alone, and her emotions are all over the place.
It sounds like the UTI/sepsis has triggered delirium.
This behaviour must be terrible for both of you - it is probably born of fear and anxiety because she cannot understand what is happening. It cant be just left though, she needs medication to calm her. Is anyone sorting this out? If you are in UK I would suggest that you contact her GP and request an urgent referral to the Community Psychiatric Team, who have a lot of experience in these sort of drugs.