My mom has dementia and I am her primary caregiver


New member
May 11, 2024
I just found this website as was looking for some ideas and suggestions on how to best support my mom during this journey. My mom noticed some changes in her memory about 2 years ago and was at that time still able to manage day to day activities and tasks. Slowly she found it more difficult to manage financial decisions, ie., banking, paying bill, handling technology or anything related to technology, but still able to mange her home and daily routines.
To jump to the situation we presently find ourselves in, my mom is challenged by daily routines and it has been necessary, due to new mobility issues, to have PSW support every night and constant companionship through the day from family, as she continues to live on her own. My mom accepted all of this for about 4 months, but in the last weeks has become increasingly more frustrated and angry about her loss of independence and control of her life. She says she feels useless, feels like a burden and has become withdrawn and depressed. She will no longer allow anyone to bring in meals for her and will only eat what she is able to get for herself, cereal, peanut butter sandwiches and Meal replacement drinks. She thinks that we, her children, want her out of her condo/flat and that she should be in a ‘home’. The plan is to keep in her own space, with as many supports as necessary, as she can easily afford to stay. I am not sure how to talk to her, to reassure her and/or find ways to keep her engaged and feeling as though she is, even in a small way, contributin.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello from me Kcs, can I take it that you're posting from the USA or mom is there, not a problem but it might alter the advice given on a UK mainly site.
Government rules and help available do differ but caring is international and on here we all want to help if and where we can.
For the record my mum is/was an American so I have family both sides of the pon, but no knowledge of how things work stateside.
Sorry I can't be more help. K


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Kcs and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. This is a great place to share with people who truly understand, find information, let off steam and much more besides.


New member
May 11, 2024
Hello from me Kcs, can I take it that you're posting from the USA or mom is there, not a problem but it might alter the advice given on a UK mainly site.
Government rules and help available do differ but caring is international and on here we all want to help if and where we can.
For the record my mum is/was an American so I have family both sides of the pon, but no knowledge of how things work stateside.
Sorry I can't be more help. K
Thanks Kevini. i am posting from Canada and can appreciate that our system is very different than yours in the UK. I just need a place to share my journey and challenges along the journey. I feel less alone and with every post I read a little more empowered so you have helped just by allowing me to be here…..away over here!


New member
May 11, 2024
Hi @Kcs and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. This is a great place to share with people who truly understand, find information, let off steam and much more besides.
Thank you, you have no idea how much it helped just finding a space to share.


New member
Jun 23, 2024
i do the same. care for my mom but we have hospice here. she was in hosu with a uti. After the discharge they sent us home with hospice.

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