My husband


New member
Dec 26, 2023
Hi 👋
I am new & need help my husband has changed & he has been having issues not remembering and has changed in so many ways 😢 Can anyone help me ? TY ❤️

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Angel777. Welcome.

If you start a diary of the times your husband worries you and take it to your doctor, they will hopefully advise on the next step.

There is no need to tell your husband. It will just cause him more worry and he may object.

You will be acting in his best interests to try to find out what is wrong.

I hope you will find this forum helpful and supportive. There are a lot of people here who are willing to share.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Angel777 and welcome to this Dementia Support Forum from me also. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here, so I am glad you have found us.
@Grannie G has already given sound advice to get the ball rolling with the GP. I think you need to try to do something now if you are noticing the changes that you mention.
I hope you will find this forum useful for information, and any particular advice if you need it, do just ask, as members here really do want to help.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2023
We initially went to the Drs together but he passed his memory test, 6 months later I went to the Drs on my own and told him what was going on, he said to tell my husband that we had rung up wanting to do a 6 month check up on him, I took him in and they did another memory test which he then failed so was referred to the Memory Clinic.
When I went to the Drs on my own I had taken pages of things I had noticed but barely told the Dr 4 or 5 things and he said it was concerning.
Make an appointment and tell them what you are noticing

Ruby's daughter

New member
Dec 27, 2023
We initially went to the Drs together but he passed his memory test, 6 months later I went to the Drs on my own and told him what was going on, he said to tell my husband that we had rung up wanting to do a 6 month check up on him, I took him in and they did another memory test which he then failed so was referred to the Memory Clinic.
When I went to the Drs on my own I had taken pages of things I had noticed but barely told the Dr 4 or 5 things and he said it was concerning.
Make an appointment and tell them what you are noticing
Thanks for this I am also noticing things great advice to write it down for when I see our GP. My mum had dementia and I put the signs down to her awkward personality, so with my husband I may be being too concerned.

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