My heart was in my stomach


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008

I just wanted to share with you a moment of terror at Cherry Trees. I went to pick Alan and the sitter up and they were fine and Alan had sat and listened to music for the couple of hours. On the way out the night manager (I think she's the night manager) came to me and said "Could I please have a word with you before you leave?". My heart dropped in my stomach as I left Alan and the sitter and went with her. She took me to the office and I was really expecting her to say that he couldn't come any more.

However, she said she hoped I wouldn't mind her asking if I would spend some time with her to explain my experiences of Alan from first suspecting his illness. She said she was worried I might be offended but I told her I would be delighted to and that she could either come to me or I could come to her. We will be meeting a week on Friday and she will come to me. I can't tell you the relief. I didn't have chance to ask her why she wanted to know about my experience because I didn't want to keep Alan and the sitter waiting too long. I feel very happy at the thought of being able to offer something.

I will update you after the meeting.


Winnie Kjaer

Account Closed
Aug 14, 2009
It is funny how we always fear the worst in these situations. She must notice your caring way with Alan and how well he functions in the right atmosphere and want to know more. Well done keep us up to speed please


Registered User
Oct 1, 2006
Dear Helen
Well done for agreeing to do this.
I have just done a simlar thing through my local uni and have also attended a course to tell trainee SW`s and so on what our lives are like.

Although most of the time it looks like nothing is been done for us I know from a few meetings I have been to things at least in my neck of the woods are begining to change and the more people tell of their experiences the more it helps .
So once again Helen well done for agreeing to do this.

Love Roseann


Registered User
Sep 19, 2009
bolton lancs
every credit

HELEN every credit to the manager at cherry trees to take a intrest in your experience of careing for alan ihave spoken to the local admiral nurses about this recently. inviting carers and former carers to speak to staff about there experiences of dementia to try to help them improve care for sufferers of this nightmare illness regards bigtom:cool:

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Well done Helen.

My thoughts were the same as Winnie`s....our first reaction is something is wrong.
All credit to you, the professionals want to learn from you. And all credit to them, to have the sense to know how much they can learn from you.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Dear Helen, I know that feeling whenever the school's number pops up on my mobile, though in my case the fear is usually founded :D

It sounds like a very caring night manager and I hope the meeting goes well

Vonny xx


Registered User
Aug 16, 2009
sutton coldfield
they sound like they realy care and and are taking the time to ask these important questions so as they can help allan and others like him, well done to them and it will make you happy that you are able to help xxx