My grandma has Alzhiemers


New member
Jun 8, 2024
Hia, I'm Cate, I'm here to just get some help for myself to be able to cope with having a family member who is living with Alzhiemers, my grandma got diagnosed in 2021 and it was only on-set then but now I think it's progressing quickly due to other complications she has going on in her life


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @CateCodieLeigh and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your grandma but she is lucky to have you looking after her interests.
Our members have a lot of experience of dementia in all of its forms and are willing to share their experience with you. Do you have any particular issues that you would like to discuss, if so please let us know.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me too @CateCodieLeigh.

I’m sorry to hear about your grandma. It must be worrying and upsetting for you all. I’m glad you’ve found this forum. I think you’ll find it a safe place to come to when you want to share concerns or ask questions.


Registered User
May 19, 2015
Well done on finding this site, Izzy! My mum had vascular dementia - and the advice and support I got from members here was invaluable. Now my OH has Alzheimer's and I'm finding the same benefits.
Whatever your question, there will be somebody here who either knows the answer or can direct you to someone who does - and if you want to rant or off-load, we have very wide and waterproof shoulders!


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
And another welcome from me too @CateCodieLeigh to this friendly and supportive forum. I am glad you have found us.
I'm sorry to read about your grandma. It's tough for sure , as on-set progresses, to see a loved one slowly decline in health. I do feel for you.
You'll never be alone here on this forum - bags of understanding and support to be found here, Also it's a great place to let off a bit of steam, as and when you may need to.