My Dads decline


New member
Nov 7, 2023
My Dad is 75 and has mid to late stage vascular dementia which he was diagnosed with in 2019. He recently suffered an infection that caused hospital stays and rehab and he has declined and now suffers from depression and anxiety. My Mom has been married to him for 58 years. They were high school sweet hearts. I've been watching her work tirelessly for years caring for him and since he's been in a memory care facility for the past year, it's had been more manageable for her. Now he's back there but he is pretty miserable. Always afraid he's going to fall, but so anxious he keeps trying to stand up. He's restless and agitated and we are trying to find ways to help him feel more at rest and relaxed. He suffers from orthostatic hypotension which makes his blood pressure drop so any antipsychotics or benzodiazepines may harm him more than help him. We are looking into more natural supplements like a magnesium, B complex, fish oil that may work. He needs to see his family more but it's been such a traumatic last month that not very much family has visited just my Mom mostly than me and my Brother. We just want my Dad to be happy as he can be in this stage of his dementia. CBD oil has also been suggested but we're not sure how to have that administered to him daily at an assisted living care facility that does not allow anything administered as needed. I feel like if he declines more then maybe hospice can intervene and offer him more care? Idk what will otherwise. I feel so helpless and I miss my happy go lucky Dad.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Becky0423

It`s quite painful to watch someone you love struggle with the later stages of dementia in addition to other ailments which only make things worse.

Has your dad been offered a walking frame? They are often very beneficial because the provide something to hold on to and keep someone with mobility problems steady.

My husband was a big believer in alternative medicine and spent a lot of money trying to find a solution but nothing affected his condition to make the cost worthwhile.

I hope you manage to find something to help your dad.