My dad.


New member
Jan 29, 2024
Hi everyone. Hope you’re all well.

Alongside my mum, I am caring for my dad, who has Alzheimer’s. This has been so tough, over the last 4 years of trying to get a diagnosis for my dad it has been truly heartbreaking. To the point where we were fobbed off with ‘he’s only got anxiety’. We finally got his diagnosis in July 2023. I am running out of options or knowing where to turn for support, as we are constantly waiting, waiting while he deteriorates more and while more pressure is felt for us both. Does anyone have any advice on who could potentially provide extra care or support? It is a lot for my mum to deal with whilst working full time.
Thank you, Sophie.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
I started off via Alzheimer’s UK and ordered the maximum number of information sheets and the booklet. Also read loads of books on dementia from the library. Library services had lots of leaflets about local services and carer support.

We also received lots of helpful information and signposting to services from the memory clinic. We also found a local carers uk support group which runs a memory cafe and singing group each week which both my parents attend and mum can chat to other carers. You could try a Social Services care needs assessment for you dad, plus a carers assessment for your mum (and you) and they should also signpost you to other services like occupational therapy for any mobility aids and local care agencies for befriending, care and/or respite.

I’m afraid that most of us are just left to figure this stuff out on our own after receiving the diagnosis - it seems to be a case of “it’s this type of dementia, here’s a prescription to try to slow it down, contact your GP if you need” and then we’re just left to it!!

You will become an expert on local services!! Good luck x


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @sophgriff and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. I am sorry to hear about your dad. Finding a way through to getting support and care can be difficult. As well as the information and help you will get from our members it will be worth your while having a look at the wide range of help sheets and guides on many different topics to be found here:



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
you could ask social services for care and carer assessment. see if there is a carers org locally or admiral nurses that support the carers. have you got power of attorney and any benefits eg. attendance allowance which isnt means tested. age uk or cab will help to fill it out as you have to use the right words.


New member
Jan 30, 2024
I would echo getting social services involved as soon as possible. We did it too late & they said that we should have gone to them sooner.

If you can afford it get carers in. We were in a fortunate position where my parents could and so it takes the strain off. Even if you get it in a short time just for a break.