My Dad


New member
Jan 6, 2023
My Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 2020,he's had carer's we've had to remove two companies,because the first company their policy was if My Dad refused food & fluids,he went without,without informing Me Or a member of my family.
So he Ended up in hospital,in September of this year,the second care company.
They came in without wearing any PPE,on the hottest day of the year,i spotted my Dad on the camera going out so I phoned the care company,they said yes we'll go & get him,he would be sitting by the pool.
So the carer,thought it might be a good idea to leave my Dad on the bench by the pool for over 5hrs,My Sister phoned Me & said Dad has been missing all day,so she rushed To find him collapsed on the bench,she thought he'd passed away,he had heat stroke,he was severely dehydrated confused couldn't stand..
So I then find,they were not,feeding him giving him fluids,not giving him his medication
So after removing that carer,i get a phone call,to say they'd phoned an ambulance,So I rushed to Be with him,I find the carer sat Beside my dad with her Mask under her chin,i said that mask is meant to be over your nose & mouth.
I asked if she'd swobbed My Dad For COVID,she retorted
"It's only another flu"
I just said get out,so By the time the ambulance Arrived,they check Dad out,& said we are taking your dad in as he could have Sepsis,
So once in resus,he was unresponsive,so they gave him fluids,he was them diagnosed with COVID & COVID pneumonia,I spent the entire & through the night with him.
He's now currently in hospital following a fall!
He's no longer safe on his own in his own home,
I'm very Concerned,if he goes home & fall's & he does as a consequence of that fall,I couldn't live with that,my Dad Is just special he's My Hero My Best Friend,i love him Dearly,& in his best interest,he would be a lot safer in a nursing home,he's doubly incontinent,we took him on holiday,& we were changing Dad anything up to 11 Time's a day,my Dad has carer's 4 time's a day,So effectively he's sitting in his own body waste,i Find that wholly unacceptable it actually Offends Me.
I just need To know,my Dad Is safe,washed changed & he's comfortable.
What is the protocol for discharge from hospital into a nursing home!


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Martin.J and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am so sorry to read about your and your dad's recent experiences with the care companies. From your account it really would be better if your dad was in a care setting so that he could receive 24/7 care and it is good that you are accepting this.
I would suggest that initially you contact the hospital social worker and tell them exactly what you have said here and they should be able to explain the next steps to you.
Please note also that if your dad has assets of over £23,250 he would be considered to be self funding and and you could arrange a move to a care home yourself after your dad is deemed ready for discharge.
I am attaching a couple of links which you may find useful. Please keep posting if you require any further information.