My Dad

Beth 5555

New member
Dec 6, 2018
Can anyone offer any advice, my Dad was diagnosed in 2016, my sister, brother and I got power of attorney. We recently moved him from the village he lived in (which was about a forty minute drive from me) to a flat around the corner from me. He hates it, he says he can't eat, can't sleep. He is causing a nuisance to other residents knocking on their doors in the early hours. I have absolutely no idea if he is taking his medication. I work full time and am a single mother so I am so limited to time. Should i be getting an assessment of some kind done to see if we can have a carer come in ? I literally don't know what way to turn. He is insistent he is going back to his house and that I must move him back. I did all of this move with his consent but it seems to have backfired totally on me and I don't know what to do.


Registered User
Apr 24, 2013
Well it looks as if you can’t take him back but your experience is useful to others thinking of doing something similar. If he has to stay in the new flat then contact social services and explain the problem and ask for an urgent needs assessment. Chances are it is too late for him to make this adjustment and some way will need to be found to keep him occupied such as day centres etc unless he goes into a care home.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello @Beth 5555, welcome to the forum.

That’s quite a problem and worry for you.

Here’s a couple of links that will outline the details of getting a needs assessment, show the full, informative, publications list and enable you to do a post code check for support services in your area

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
Welcome to TP, Beth5555.
I was going to recommend the course of action that Pete and Marion already suggested, but was distracted, so just saying hello and hope you can get support for your dad quickly.