My dad has slow dementia and his 70


New member
Sep 20, 2018
I live with my father who was recently diagnosed with dementia. I noticed changes in his behaviour a lot earlier maybe say 4 years ago his memory is getting weaker each day because you notice the changes with him forgetting names words name of place. So far I have been coping because I have my Aunty and her kids who live right door that help me out. My brother helps to where he can he has his own family but tried to help out where he can too I’m not sure how to plan for when things do really start to get hard. I can’t even leave my job because I need to bring income in for us and it’s not always easy finding a job

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Maya2018

Start planning now. Look at agency care and care homes. It`s a long and laborious task but will give you contingency plans in case of crisis or emergency.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2020
Get in touch with the adult care social department of your local authority and request an assessment of your fathers needs. They may say that he qualifies for support from carers ( although this is means tested so it’s not necessarily free). Sometimes you can have a certain number of weeks free respite care. Make sure you are claiming any available benefits, attendance allowance is not means tested. Age UK helped me complete the application for my Dad. There’s also information on this site to help. I’m not pretending it’s easy, you have to be persistent