Mum's dementia has re-triggered my mental health problems - help!!

Flaming June

Registered User
May 25, 2024
I was doing really well in managing my diagnosed Complex PTSD and chronic anxiety after 10 years of battling with it. Now, my mum's escalating dementia and the stress of finding and settling her into a care home have re-triggered all the old symptoms and my mental health has taken a nose dive. The GP would only increase my medication which numbs rather than fixes and I can't afford private therapy. C-PTSD is hideous and I feel as if I'm drowning in it again while trying to sort out mum. Help!!


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Hello @Flaming June , this must be so hard for you. My mum’s move to care and then being sectioned triggered my PTSD and I had a horrible time. Your right meds are a crutch but they don’t fix things. That said , I wouldn’t be without them now.
I know the waiting lists are dreadfully long but I found Talking Therapies a big help and was offered EMDR that was very good for me. You can refer yourself if you think this may help.
Having a parent who is so needy and changing in front of our very eyes is very distressing and can trigger so many past memories, not all good.
Sorry I can’t give you much advice but I hope knowing you are not alone helps in some way. Make your self a priority for now, your mum is safe and being carers for. X