Mum's birthday - 2nd year


Registered User
Nov 16, 2008
It would have been my Mum's 93rd birthday tomorrow. She always marvelled that she had seen the turn of the century so I think she was amazed that she lived to such a great age. I remember when she was 91 she argued that she was 90!! My Mum's 90th birhday was so special, albeit quiet. She and I walked to her garden gate (I had to hold her and guide her) and purely by chance the Interflora guys had got their act together and arrived to deliver bouquests from friends and family at that moment. She collected them at the gate in pure-Queen Mother-Style, the march-past band of the Irish Guards being the only thing lacking!! We did chuckle. A lovely memory and one on which to focus tomorrow.

I thought I'd post some photos of my lovely Mum in her youth in warm memory of her..I just love these old photos..

Second year, well, still hits the nerve but, unlike last year, more able to live with it and think happily of the past xxxx


  • Mum and Uncle Raymond.JPG
    Mum and Uncle Raymond.JPG
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  • IMG_0005_NEW.jpg
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Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
Aren't anniversaries tough?

Hi Mary - what a brave post and what marvellous photos - thank you for sharing with us. What precious times and thoughts you are having - it is not any easier today/tomorrow than the rest of us - you still need your love & hugs......I'll be thinking of you - 19th May is your special day, love, Sue , xoxo


Registered User
Nov 16, 2008
Thanks both for your kind words. Just focussed on the happy memories today :)

Yes, Deborah my Mum was a stunner and that beautiful dress (I never did ask her what colour it was :mad:). I just love looking at these old photos and seeing the stories they tell. :)

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Lovely photos Mary, lovely mum and lovely dress.
Now we can have a discussion about the possible colour. :)