Mum seems to have lost all her confidence.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2023
Hi all, mum was never the most social person but now seems to have almost given up entirely. She sees her one friend maybe four times a year.
I have suggested her joining local groups such as walking, knitting or the local luncheon group and these are always meet with a resounding NO!
The other day she mentioned that she didn't have much to do now winter is coming and the gardening has ceased due to the colder weather.
I decided to see if she would like to do something with me so she didn't have the pressure of doing it alone.
Go to a Christmas lunch with a singer singing carols - NO!
Would you like to go into town with me to do some Christmas shopping - No, I'm giving everyone money this year.
How about coffee and cake at a garden centre (a sure winner I thought) - Why would I want to do that we've got coffee here.
I'm confused, as although she doesn't actually say she is happy doing nothing, she doesn't engage in anything extra and will huff and puff throughout the afternoon and evening like she is bored.
Any thoughts on why she has thiese behaviours and what elae I can do to encourage her to do anything extra.

Thanking you all in advance, take care x


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
People with dementia tend to say no to any suggestions for doing something else. It is probably that your mum can't really envisage what that something else would be like. It might be a better idea if you just say we're going out and then go and do something, start small with a garden centre and coffee before going to places with lots of people.
I chose the first care home my very sociable mum was in because it had lots of amazing activities on offer. I thought she' love it, but unless I was there to join in she wasn't interested.