Mum saying nasty things


Registered User
Mar 26, 2014
Mum has been in hospital for the last 2 weeks due to dehydration uti infection and a fall, mum is in the early stages of dementia, she has been saying some strange things but I have just had a phone call from my son who has just visited my mum he said she said some really nasty things about another member of the family which are totally untrue.i am having a job to deal with the things mum is saying they are upsetting me and I know she doesn't know what she's saying but how do you all deal with this.We are only at the early stages.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2013
People with dementia often come up with new and terrible behaviours when they are ill with something else, don't they?

My MIL says nasty things about people that have no basis in truth. It's very hard to deal with. I find it very upsetting sometimes. The crazier it is, the easier I find it to be philosophical about it, but when she was nasty about my son "having ideas above his station", "wanting the best of everything" and "showing off" I lost my temper with her. He's so good to her, and she's so snide about him and to him. It just hits me where I live if you know what I mean.

Hopefully it will just be a temporary stage for your mum. Fingers crossed.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2014
People with dementia often come up with new and terrible behaviours when they are ill with something else, don't they?

My MIL says nasty things about people that have no basis in truth. It's very hard to deal with. I find it very upsetting sometimes. The crazier it is, the easier I find it to be philosophical about it, but when she was nasty about my son "having ideas above his station", "wanting the best of everything" and "showing off" I lost my temper with her. He's so good to her, and she's so snide about him and to him. It just hits me where I live if you know what I mean.

Hopefully it will just be a temporary stage for your mum. Fingers crossed.

I like you am sure I will end up losing my temper with her.It hurts knowing she is saying these things knowing that what she says are lies.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2013
I manage to hold my tongue 99% of the time but just recently my uncle has started saying things about my partner that aren't true, he works 6 days a week 13hr days to cover my lost salary so I can be uncles carer. Uncle has always accused people of stealing or being nasty to him and iv always managed to ignore it and change the subject. But on Friday I snapped all because uncle said partner had stolen his comb!!! Absolutely ridiculous especially as partner is bald! Since then uncle is refusing to speak to my partner and I'm sure it's all because I reacted! Try your hardest to ignore easier said than done but it will make your life easier x


Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
I can guarantee, well 99.99% anyway, that this is the UTI talking. My mum becomes the daughter of satan when under the spell of her waterworks!! They take the worst traits of a person and magnify them beyond all comprehension.
All you can do is ignore the poison and don't rise to the bait.:rolleyes::D


Registered User
Nov 12, 2013
Sadly my Mother was always nasty ... She is just worse now!! I still blame myself at times. According to her I ruined her life! Oh and her marriage. Of course she has no idea how much it hurts. We just have to soldier on!

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