Mum refusing all food and drinks


New member
Feb 15, 2024
Hi there, my Mum was officially diagnosed with mixed dementia 4 yrs ago but it had been there for yrs before. Always had a small appetite over the last couple of yrs but always had a sweet tooth and could guarantee she would eat a pudding. Had a fall in the house a momth ago and broke her hip which needed surgery, since then she has become double incontinent and now where pads abd gas a long term catheter, personality has become more stroppy and all food she hates. Has constant UTI's and just refuses to eat anything. Worried she will starve


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @mPierrepoint

I think you need to contact her GP, or phone 111. There are many reasons why someone with dementia may stop eating and drinking and it needs investigating.