Mum keeps asking about her care home fees!


Registered User
Dec 31, 2021
Hi I was diagnosed with mix dementia before the covid. I've found it difficult to except the fact until I heard I think it was Joeanna Lumlly on the radio Oxford recentlly, saying about odd things happening with her friends brains(all alzeimers). The one that has stuck with me is the life long vegetarian that started eating meat & couldn't understand why, as she didnt like its taste. This has happened to me, veggy for many years, but suddenly have a fancy for meat.
Hi unci, it's strange isn't it. My mum used to have a very sweet tooth but now it's mainly savoury she craves.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2021
Her constant asking will pass but it may take several months. It took at least 6 months for my mother to stop asking where her car was (it was in British Columbia 2,500 miles away). She also kept asking about the fees and I said the government was paying it. Fortunately, the fees question fell by the wayside fairly quickly but the car questions!
Oh the CAR Canadian Joanne! I don't think anything has been more devastating for my mother than losing her car. Though questions regarding that I can deal with, the fees are another matter. I'm hoping, as with your mother, the fee question will eventually disappear. Thank you for sharing your experience