Mum in emergency respite


Registered User
Oct 23, 2015
Five weeks ago mum flooded her bungalow. It was a Sunday. There was no way she could stay there so I rang Adult Services. I explained that she needed emergency respite care. Their response was that they couldn't do anything as it was the weekend. I asked what I should do. The response was that I should take her home with me. I explained that my home is full of trip hazards and she is a high falls risk. The response to that was get her admitted to hospital! An Alzheimer's sufferer in an unsecured strange environment? I rang a few care homes and explained the situation. They all said they would need to assess her and that would take a few days. Eventually I found a care home who recognised the emergency that it was and admitted her. Mum is settled and happy but Adult Services are saying it's too expensive. I will fight to keep her there. Wondering if any of you amazing people have been in a similar situation and what advice you could offer?


Registered User
Apr 17, 2022
Five weeks ago mum flooded her bungalow. It was a Sunday. There was no way she could stay there so I rang Adult Services. I explained that she needed emergency respite care. Their response was that they couldn't do anything as it was the weekend. I asked what I should do. The response was that I should take her home with me. I explained that my home is full of trip hazards and she is a high falls risk. The response to that was get her admitted to hospital! An Alzheimer's sufferer in an unsecured strange environment? I rang a few care homes and explained the situation. They all said they would need to assess her and that would take a few days. Eventually I found a care home who recognised the emergency that it was and admitted her. Mum is settled and happy but Adult Services are saying it's too expensive. I will fight to keep her there. Wondering if any of you amazing people have been in a similar situation and what advice you could offer?
Is your mum self funding


Registered User
Oct 23, 2015
Who s funding the placement?
How long are you planning on her being there?
Adult Services have agreed to fund respite. Mum isn't safe at home anymore so I would like it made permanent. She is settled and happy. Adult Services wouldn't help in a crisis as it was the weekend. Surely crises regularly happen at weekends?


Registered User
Apr 17, 2022
No. Living in rented accommodation
SS have a budget, I think if it is above this you can top up they would take your mums pension to make up the difference, I think , but I,m sure ther are many on here who will know exactly


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Adult Services have agreed to fund respite. Mum isn't safe at home anymore so I would like it made permanent. She is settled and happy. Adult Services wouldn't help in a crisis as it was the weekend. Surely crises regularly happen at weekends?
I'm sure they do, and much as a crisis needs action, its not often as dire as needing supervised acomodation, and rarely 'now'. Most homes would insist on an assssment prior to admittance. rarely do homes have space- you were fortunate in that respect- but now, having found that SS dont want fund the placement, something is going to have to give.
SS will have the £ allocation the can give to each person in care, the rest YOU will have to find, Presumably Mum hasnt had a financial assessment yet- she may have to contribute some herself, as well as your top up.

The bottom line is that if funded bed is what she needs and the place she's in is overbudget , a less expensive place will need to be found- and that could be some way away.

it would be great if we could just place our loved ones wherever we liked when we thought , and present the bill to SS for payment. Sadly it doesnt work like that


Registered User
Oct 23, 2015
I didn't choose the care home. It was the only place that would take her. It was a crisis. And it was a crisis that demanded imediate action with secure accommodation. Adult Services would not do anything as it was Sunday. I contacted adult services the very next day. Why did they not find her somewhere within their budget then? Why leave a 93yr old Alzheimer's sufferer to become comfortable and happy for seven weeks and then demand she moves?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Sadly that is the inefficient way the system works. It’s not person centered and financially inefficient often too 😢😢

would the home she is in consider taking the LA rate? I’m guessing not but if you haven’t asked it’s worth an outside shot,

it’s all very distressing


Registered User
Mar 31, 2019
I didn't choose the care home. It was the only place that would take her. It was a crisis. And it was a crisis that demanded imediate action with secure accommodation. Adult Services would not do anything as it was Sunday. I contacted adult services the very next day. Why did they not find her somewhere within their budget then? Why leave a 93yr old Alzheimer's sufferer to become comfortable and happy for seven weeks and then demand she moves?
These are all questions that are always asked and always left unanswered. Though the real reason is just down to funding. I found getting information about the maximum the LA would pay for a home if mum had no income and no savings was like getting blood out of a stone but if you just stick to this question until you get an answer you will then be able to work out if you can afford to top up yourself. Bare in mind that if mum has savings over £23000 she won't be able to get any help. If she has between 14,000 and 22,999 a small amount will be used towards funding.
The following isn't a true scenario I'm just using easy figures.

Say the maximum the LA will pay is 800 a week.

Your mum's total income is £200 a week ( she will stop receiving attendance allowance once in full time care so ignore that).

Your mum will be allowed to keep £30 a week ( or there abouts. This is meant to be for all her personal expenses; hair, toiletries, clothes etc).

The LA will reduce the amount they will pay by £170 a week ( your mum's total weekly income less the £30). Therefore the actual amount they will pay is 630.

The care home charges 1000 a week. They receive £630 from the LA, £170 from the client ( your mum) and the remaining £200 would have to be provided by yourself or another 3rd party, known as a third party top up.

The LA are obliged to ensure the home is suitable for your mum's needs and this includes travelling distance from yourself and maybe other family members. However, due to lack of funding, they do try and be very pushy in what they expect you to consider suitable.
I was in a similar situation to you but had already been in discussion ( polite way of saying it) about care, care homes etc before mum's needs became urgent. They then agreed mum needed to go into a care home ASAP but were still not taking any immediate action so I placed her in a home near me which is not mum's LA area. The fess are extortionate but from what I've read on the forum this home is excellent in comparison to many. ( as an aside somebody mentioned swimming in another post and mum's home is arranging for a carer to come with me to take mum extra cost). Anyway, it took 5 months from when mum went into the care home to receiving the small amount of funding she was entitled to. I had to get my MP involved eventually. The LA tried to say it was my choice to actually put her in a home. There was also a big issue with the fact that I live in an affluent area so care homes are more expensive but it is the LA where mum lived that funds her.

Anyway, be prepared to argue her case and write to counsellors, MP etc ensuring you explain that it was the result of the LAs inaction that resulted in mum being in this particular care home in the first place.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2015
I wrote a long and detailed account of what happened and Adult Services have agreed to fund Mum in the care home who admitted her. Such a weight off my shoulders. I think the decider was me begging for help and being refused as it happened on a Sunday. I worry about people who don't have someone to fight for them......


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hurrah! Well done you 👍👍

But as you say not everyone is so fortunate to have family with the wherewithal to fight….

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